Memory 7:

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I rushed home as fast as I could that day. I hadn't even stopped a few times to consider where Alastor would be at this time but I didn't care. My life was at risk due to Jackie and I cannot let her get away with a lie that I had not done at all. I bolted through the woods, avoiding all obstacles in my way. I turned back, seeing if someone, like Alastor, would be following me but what I didn't expect was to bump into someone.

I fell in a loud thud and landed on something soft. I glanced down and realised that it was him. I quickly got up, jogging on the spot as I helped him up.

"Sorry, Al. In a rush." I told him as I started hurting away. "I'll see you tomorrow at 7pm!" I bolted once again not letting him speak. This time I didn't look back in case I would trip over something now but I knew he wasn't following me anyways.

Once I arrived, I bust open the door and what i saw had terrified me the most. I saw a police officer just outside the kitchen. I walked over and went inside, seeing 'blood' on the floor, leading to a large knife that I threatened Jackie with. She turned to me and smirked when the officers weren't looking. I felt my heart almost burst out of my chest as a police officer walked up to me.

"You're... Y/n S/n?" He looked up from his notebook at me with a narrowed eyebrow. I nodded slowly as I gulped hard. "We have found your prints on the knife... considering that you have killed someone?" I shook my head uncontrollably.

"I didn't do any of it! I was out all day!" I protested, my fear growing. Jackie walked up to us, a bag in her hand, filled with what seemed of 'fake drugs'.

"Officer. I found these in the side of her bed. Isn't there enough proof to convince that she's a murder?" Jackie told him as she tried to look as scared as possible. I stared at her in pure anger and disgust. How could she do that to me?! I wanted to actually kill her in the spot and I wouldn't regret any of it. All of a sudden, I heard some bags drop. We all turned to look who had entered or more like who they entered.

Standing there in shock and fear were our parents... Our mother looking at Jackie to the officer then to me. Our Father came to Jackie first before me asking what happened then before I knew it, he came walking up to me in pure fury.

"You stupid son of a bitch! How could you murder somebody?!" He screamed at me. I tried to back away but he just came forwards.

"I didn't do any of it! Jackie's lying!" I tried to say as our mother came to Jackie's side. "How could you not believe me?!"

"There are finger prints that detected that it was yours and so is your own DNA." One of the officers told us, writing the details down. I shook my head unbelievablely as two polices offers took me away and into their car. Two of them sat at the front whilst I was at the back, staring out the window as we stopped at a red traffic light. In the distance, I thought I could see a deer getting shot..


Then it hit me. Maybe Alastor could convince these guys that I wasn't the one I did it! Without thinking, I opened the door and bolted into a sprint, the police officers following me on behind shouting things like, "You'll be sent to court if you come back! If not we'll have to believe that you're the murder!" I kept running anyways. It wasn't even me, you boozers; I wanted to just crawl into a ball and hide away but I knew you couldn't do that in reality. As I was running, I felt tears stream down my face, as they disappeared into thin air from the speed I was going at. I looked back seeing the police officers, falling behind. I sped on until I was out of sight and turned a corner, searching for Alastor.

"Al?!" I called. Nothing. I turned another corner. "Alastor?!" I called again. Still nothing. I stopped running and realised I was lost in the woods now, a part I've never crossed before. I sat down on the floor and cried silently.

What do I do now?

I can't just stay here... they'll search here and find me... most likely throw me in jail now they're more convinced that I'm the 'murder'. I didn't even do any of that and I could never do it. I then felt a hand touch my shoulder, softly. I looked up and saw the one I was looking for all along. I jumped up and hugged him.

"Alastor!" I cried out as I hugged him tightly, not letting go. I felt him place his arms around me, confused.

"What's wrong, my dear?" He asked as I pulled away from him, wiping my tears with my sleeve.

"My sister accused me of fake murder..." I answered him, almost a whisper. Alastor pulled me into another comforting hug.

"Fake murder, you say love?" I nodded as I silently cried in his chest. "You wouldn't do that ever surely, y/n dear?" I looked up at him.

"What? Of course not!" I exclaimed, stepping back. "Why... would you think I would do such a sin?!" I stared at him, unbelieved. Was he accusing me of murder as well?!

Alastor smirked. I wish I could just wipe that stupid smile of his face all the damn time... I frowned.

"Of course not, darling..." He paused as he walked up to me. "But do you know if the police are searching for you?"

"Most likely." I told him, folding my arms in pure anger still at him as I turned away the other direction.

"My dear. Forgive me please but how I about I make it up for you? You stay at my place?" I turned to him.

"You... you would really do that for me?" I asked, making sure he wasn't joking. He nodded, his smile growing wider.

"Of course... for the best girl in the world." He told me as I hugged him once again tightly.

"Thank you, Al." I said, smiling brightly. Then something hit me. The prom...

I looked up at him. "What about prom? They'll sure go there since Jackie will probably be telling them everything about me." Alastor fixed his glasses, chuckling.

"I've already thought about that my dear.." He said as he placed an arm around me and picking up his gun with his other hand. "I've planned it all in my head..." I rested my head on his shoulder so we walked on.

Wait... planned? What does he mean by planned?  He surely didn't know any of this happened before... right? No. Of course not. He wasn't even following me before... was he?

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