Memory 3:

504 19 0

I watched outside my windo.w and gazed into the woods. I actually feel quite dumb now for leaving the poor hunter without asking what his name was or not even a goodbye when I left... sure he gave me a scare but... At least I could have been nicer than be a bitch and leave?

I sighed as I dropped my head to rest on my crossed arms on the windowsill. I wonder where he is right now so I could at least ask what his name is..? I then hear a knock. I turned round, just in time to see Jackie looking at me with fear still reflecting in her eyes. She held a piece of paper in her hand and as she caught my eye sight, she quickly placed it on my bed and left without a word as she closed the door. I stared after her until she was fully gone then glanced over at the paper that she had placed on my bed. What was that for? I slowly stood up and stretched, forcing myself to walk over to the paperand see what it was.

'Dear, Y/n...

I know we're distant... yet we still don't talk to one another... Hold up. You're probably wondering how I knew your address, correct? Well... I kinda set up a friend to do that... but it's me. The one you met at lunch. I hope we could be friends... I kinda just left you standing there awkward as I took the left overs... sorry. But can you meet me tomorrow? Since we don't have college tomorrow? I just really wanna meet you. You seem so nice. Outside of college will be fine near the entrance. Meet me at 7 in the morning. I'll tell you why 7 tomorrow.

Thank you, new girl,


I smiled silently to myself. Jay. Of course it would be Jay writing me a letter... but.. why does she want me to meet her at 7? Especially tomorrow? Why can't it be in college? I shrugged and folded the paper, placing it in my back pocket of my geans. I went over back to the windowsill and sat down, staring outside into the unknown.

"I wonder if Jay maybe had trouble at home?" I wondered aloud. I glanced at the sky. The sun was setting and it sure would be dark soon but suddenly a gunshot was heard and I instantly jumped alarmed.

"God damn it, hunter that I never knew his name!" I cursed aloud, annoyed as I searched for a signal for where he had killed his hunt. I sighed and went over to my bed to sleep to wake up at 7 tomorrow morning....


I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I quickly shut it off to not wake my parents nor Jackie up. I got dressed and put on a jacket with a scarf quickly. I exited my room and quickly but silently, I went down the stairs and went outside, closing the door, quietly behind me. I then walked quickly through the woods as I glanced at my watch.

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