Chapter 3: About You

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'Goodmorning students'.

The following few hours weren't as boring as I'd expect it to be. Usually, I'm not the best at sitting quietly at one place. I have to say, this was one of the best first classes one could imagine. Not to exaggerate, but it was nice. Both Maggie and I had a free period. So we just went to get some food in the city. We entered a small supermarket and Maggie immediately started walking as if she already knew her way around.

'You seem at home', I joked.
She laughed and said: 'This is my second year here'.
'Oh really? Tell me about it', I asked her.
'Well, last year I actually studied law. I didn't finish it, obviously because I'm here now. Turned out the law wasn't really my thing, art has always been.'
'That's so nice.. I'm guessing you've learnt a lot that year?', I asked. 'You know, first year of college.'
'Actually, I did. I learnt more about myself', she smiled.
'I love that! You sure do know your way around', I said.
'I sure do', she laughed.

We bought a sandwich and a juice. On our way back she told me she actually owned an appartement instead of a room on campus. Also she shared her story on how she met Isaac. Not to forget, Maggie invited me to her party next Saturday. I told her I don't know yet, I needed to adjust to everything first. She smiled and tried to convince me by telling she had a hot neighbour. We both laughed and kept walking.

After my last class, I called Alicia to meet up. I already knew we both finished around six o'clock. She didn't pick up at first but when I called again she did. We agreed to meet up at our building and get some food to takeaway. I was already in the area so I had to wait a bit. Within ten minutes she arrived and we started walking to the city. We talked about our day and told each other every detail. If I'd had to describe our friendship, that is exactly how I would describe it: detailed. We arrived at a small restaurant, went inside and ordered.

After fifteen minutes of waiting, our order was ready for takeout. When I walked down the stairs to the exit, I walk straight into Alicia. She just stopped walking right in front of me.

'What are you doing?!', I said.
'I- It's- That's', Alicia stuttered.
'What?', I said.

She didn't respond. I tried pulling her with me to keep walking, but she refused. She just stood there, confused. I started to look around. That's when I saw him. My brother.

'Brian!', I yelled.

He was chatting with someone, but I didn't care. Now that I think about it, it might've been rude to instantly run up to him without turning around to see if Alicia was there too. Was it? This is always what's the matter with me, I don't think before I speak. Brian turned around and I saw who he was talking to. Brian was talking with Darryl. Oh, well. I hugged him and smiled. I hadn't seen him for quite a while.

'Aliyah?!', he smiled.
'What are you doing here?', I laughed.
'I'm here to party', Brian replied. 'Duh'.
'Are you kidding me', I laughed. 'You could've just said my name but, I guess'.
'Haha, very funny', Brian said. 'Are you alone?'.
'No. No! I'm with-'

When I turned around, Alicia was nowhere to be found. This time it wasn't the glasses, she really just went away.

'No one. I'm with no one, just same old me.. I was just here to pick up some food', I said while holding up my bag with food.
'You should come to campus', Darryl said.
'You should', I replied.
'Right.. Another time', Brian smiled. 'Anyway, I need to go. Aliyah, I'll call you. Darryl.. Just, come home safe'.

'I thought you lived on campus', I asked.
'I do', Darryl replied.
'Well what did Brian meant with-', I said.
'At the weekends I stay with Calvin', Darryl laughed.
'Oh', I smiled. 'Okay, well I really need to head back so have a good evening'.

I turned around and sighed. That could've been awkward. I gave myself an imaginary pat on my back and smiled.

'Aliyah, wait'.
'Damnit', I said.
'What?', Darryl asked.
'What?', I replied.

That wasn't supposed to come out.

'Never mind, uh. I just wanted to make sure no bad blood is between us', Darryl said.
'What bad blood?', I replied.
'None, I just wanted to make sure you didn't think anything weird of our last conversation', Darryl nervously laughed.
'I didn't.. Why that laugh?', I asked.
'What laugh?', he replied.
'Never mind', I laughed.
'What are you talking about', he smiled.
'Nothing.. I have to go', I replied. 'There's no bad blood. Have a good night, Darryl'.

I know I cut him off.. But, in my defense, wouldn't it be weirder if I'd told him all about his laugh? I think it would. Actually, I have to give it to myself. I handled it pretty well, if you asked me. Nobody would ask me obviously but, hey. It's the thought that counts. Anyway, I immediately grabbed my phone to call Alicia after my chat with Darryl. I was disappointed but not surprised. Usually she would pick up.. I mean, I get it but I don't, because I don't really know what's going on.

I arrived at our room and knocked on the door. 'Alicia?', I yelled. No response. 'Alicia!', I yelled again. Then the door opened and it is her standing in the door opening. She looks a bit nervous, but also confused. A bit sad too might I add. I walked in and sighed.

'I'm glad you're okay', I said.

She closed the door. When she turned around she sighed and sat down.

'Sure.. I'm sorry..', Alicia said looking down.
'Its okay just.. Give me some kind of response', I said.
'Yeah', Alicia replied.

I stood up, pushed some boxes aside and sat down next to her. I looked to my side, but her look hasn't changed a bit.

'Cut the crap', I said.
'What?', Alicia responded.
'I said cut the crap', I repeated.
'I heard what you said-', Alicia replied.
'What's going on', I said while cutting her off.
'Well..', Alicia sighed. 'I actually don't know.'
'Shit', I said.
'Yeah.. Shit', Alicia repeated.

We sat there, in silence for probably half an hour. Not saying a word. The funny thing was, there wasn't really anything to say. Which is pretty weird because we always have something to talk about. We just sat there doing nothing but staring and breathing in sync. It was calming.

Then the silence got cut off. It took me a couple of seconds to respond to the sound and realise where I was again. When I found out where the sound came from, Alicia already stood there with my phone in her hand.

'Who is it?', I asked.
'It's Monica', Alicia replied.
'Hand it over', I said.
'Sure', Alicia said.

She threw the phone at me. Fortunately she didn't throw it from very far so I caught it. I rolled my eyes. She rolled her eyes back. I sighed and picked up the phone.

'Hey, Mon', I said.
'Hey..', Monica said with a nervous tone. 'Is Alicia there?'.
'Yes.. Do you want to speak to her?', I asked.
'No, both of you actually', Monica said.
'Sure..', I replied.

I looked at Alicia and quickly turned off the microphone.

'Monica wants to speak to the both of us and somethings off', I whispered.
'Why are you whispering if you turned off the microphone?', Alicia replied.
'Hello?', Monica said on the phone.

I sighed and looked at Alicia with frowned eyebrows. I turned the microphone back on.

'Yes! I'm here', I replied. 'Alicia's here too'.
'Okay.. Now that I have both of you here', Monica said.

We hear a knock on the door. I look at Alicia but she already ran up to the door.

'Monica!', Alicia smiled.
'I'm here now', Monica smiled.
'Where have you been?!', I asked.

Monica switched from smiling to speaking with a more serious tone.

'About that.. We need to talk', Monica said. 'Right now.'

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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