•Part 3• Undercover work

Start from the beginning

And sighed happily "thank you. Thank you for saving my books. My research. How can I repay you!?" I say as I fix my fake glasses "hey don't worry bout it. It's was hero's do" the bff guy said "I'm Amber. Amber greenwood " I say "nice to meet you. I'm dawn. This is Hank. Richard Donna. Rachel and Gar. Why was that man after you?" The blonde. Dawn said/asked "I'm an explosive and bio-nuclear researcher. I've formatted a lot of equations for bombs. Weapons of destruction and death. But it's all in theory. Non of it has been proven or even made. My mom was a Bio-weapons engineer. She's made a lot of bad things. But I wanted to see how we could turn the bad weapons into ones that release good things. Like pollen and things that can grow plant life rather than destroy it. But once word got Out that I was working on this and that my formulations could be proven and maybe made people started to come after me. I've been on the run for a couple years now. " I lie easily and they buy it. "And your fire power?" Rachel asked "Rach" Gar said softly. "It's ok. Umm that is my moms fault. She experimented on me when I was two. Gave me this fire power. I do t use it often though. I try very hard to surpress it" I say and look down in fake-Shame. "Hey it's ok to be scared of your power. I'm scared of mine to" Rachel said as I sniffled " I. I've hurt people before on accident with my power. It's uncontrollable. And it scares me. So I. I just hide it. I don't use or want to become a monster like my mother calls me" I say as fake tears flow from my eyes. I swear I could win an Emmy or something for this acting. "Hey it's ok." Hank said and he fed me. I hugged back as cried more. Soon I faked tiredness and faked falling asleep. Once I knew everyone was gone and the door closed I sent a quick email to Bats and locked up my phone. And actually slept since I've been up since 4am.

•the next day•

I woke up in the Titans med bay. I saw my luggage and slowly walked over. Jeez GAdid a number on my ribs.  I grabbed a newer outfit and got dressed—>

  I grabbed a newer outfit and got dressed—>

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Ugh I hate this nerdy look. I sighed and grabbed my brush and brushed through the long red hair wig that was still glued to my head ——>

 I sighed and grabbed my brush and brushed through the long red hair wig that was still glued to my head ——>

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And left it down instead of up like yesterday. I walked out of the room. My bag in my arms as I acted scared and shy. I found my way to the I guess living room slash kitchen area and saw everyone there by peeking my head round the corner "heeeyy look who's awake" Hank said as I came round fully and shyly ''hello.. thank you again for helping me.. but i should go before someone else finds me'' i say as i hold all my things in my arms ''non-sense, you can stay here, you still need to heal''  Richard said ''you dont get it... if i stay i put you all in danger.... I can't risk that" I say faking this sweet innocent stuff. Seriously someone get me an Emmy for the amount of acting I do. "it's fine. We are hero's. We can handle anything" Rachel said "are you sure? " I asked "totally. Come on we made breakfast " Gar said and Rachel set my things down and led me Over to their table. "So why were you on the run. It's obvious from the luggage" Dawn asked "my mom was trying to auction me off. I'm practically a genius and with fire power is a dangerous mix. She didn't want me anymore since I didn't do her dirty work so she wanted to sell me. Before she could I ran. The man chasing me was a bounty hunter. " I say and I fiddled with my food "jeez that sucks. " Richard says "it does. My dad is..... was the only one who made her want to become a better person. But he died saving people from. A burning building. She's never been the same since". I lie. I hate lying to nice people but I have to do it if they are to trust me and if I'm to find their servers and get the info Batman wants " You're father sounds like a good man" Donna says "he was. He was awesome. Do you guys still talk with your families. Or does this... hero gig take up time" I asked them and from their reactions it's nothing good " no. Slot of us don't have families anymore" Richard says "may I ask why? " I asked "the hero gig. It gets dangerous. People get hurt" Gar answered and I nodded "understandable. I'm sorry for prying" I say "it's okay. Really. We have each other. " Rachel says. She's odd. There's something bout her that is... off "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude. But.... you... you seem off... in a dark way....? Is that because of your gifts?" I asked her and everyone froze as if they expected the worse thing to to happen. "You noticed huh?" She asked "I'm observant. " I reply "my powers come from a dark place ya. But I'm trying to do better. Be better" she says and I nod "for yourself? Or for those around you?" I asked "both. I don't wanna be a evil villain. I wanna make a difference. I wanna help" she says. And something in me stirs. Could I be like her? Be... a good
Person? All I've ever know is being a villain. I've never actually tried to do good.... I lower my gaze as I feel tears threatening to spill "Amber?" I hear Hanks soft voice says and I furiously wipe my eyes "I'm sorry...." I softly say "for what? Are you okay?" Richard asks. "No.... I'm not.... these last 24 hours have shown me the hood in people by you helping me. Someone you don't even know. And it makes me wonder if I could ever do that. Help people. Really help people by doing good. All I've know is evil... evil people. Evil things. I don't know what being good truly is" I say and it's true. My mom may have done her best to raise me. But she was a villain. She worked with cat woman as a villain named Jaguar they were a team. I followed and became a villain.... but with her gone maybe I could become something better... " I'm sorry you've gone through that. Only known that. But we'd like to help if that's okay with you. We trust you. We want you to trust us" Donna said and they all hugged me. Well expect Richard. I get the feeling he's not a hugging or emotional type. "Thank you. I appreciate this" I say and take a deep breath to calm myself. But wince from the pin in my ribs. "You should go rest. Well bring your stuff to a room you can have here. " Sean says and I nod and leave to the med Nat to rest a bit before I get down this new room.

I take out my phone and text Batman

•Constance to Batman •
"They are starting to trust me. Things are going well. But I don't like lying to these guys. They seem really nice Bats"

•Batman to Constance•
"I know it's hard. But this is important for me to know how they operate so I know if the league can trust them"

I sigh and replied with a okay before shutting down my phone and dozing off.
Hopefully I can be done with Thai mission soon and get back to the mountain. There's things I need to tell Bats in person. Things about me. And my mom....

The Daughter Of Batman •The First Installment Where stories live. Discover now