Chapter 42: Mother Mimikry

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"I thought it would have been obvious. But it seems you were dumber than I thought for not noticing that.", Soraru said as Amatsuki gasped offended while Soraru smirked when he saw that.

They then all kept talking as Amatsuki turned towards Mafumafu giving him an ok sign while winking. Mafumafu blushed when he realized that Amatsuki did all that to stop Mafumafu from seeing the two of them act out something like in a shoujo manga and to assure Mafumafu for 100% that Soraru didn't love Sou in a romantic way at all and Sou didn't love Soraru at all.

He then mouthed a thanks towards Amatsuki to which the brunette responded with a grin before turning back to Soraru.

"Soraru-san, Mafu-kun looks so tired right now. I think he needs someone to watch over him in case something happens. Also, you should maybe hold his hand. He looks like he's about to be swept away by the wind in this case or like he'll trip or something.", Amatsuki said as he shoved Soraru so strongly towards Mafumafu who stumbled back a bit which caused Mafumafu to slam against the wall with his back while Soraru slammed his hands next to him to support his weight.

Soraru looked down to Mafumafu worriedly who was a blushing mess. "You alright?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu merely nodded looking everywhere except into Soraru's eyes. After Soraru made sure that Mafumafu was alright he turned towards Amatsuki glaring at the brunette who was whistling as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"Oi, what do you think you're doing? You do realize that it would be bad if we stepped on the roots right?", Soraru asked as Amatsuki only shrugged. "And you know that there are no roots anywhere anymore, right?", Amatsuki questioned back as he was indeed right and the floor was finally not covered with any plants and roots anymore.

Soraru was about to say something else but was interrupted by a very annoyed short brunette. "Oi, can you guys continue your lovers quarrel later? We don't have much time.", Urata said as he walked past them and Sakata followed him closely after along with Shima.

Soraru just sighed as he too Mafumafu by the wrist and walked past Amatsuki. "Don't think I'll let you get away with this. You really annoyed the heck out of me.", Soraru threatened as Amatsuki merely smiled. Soraru walked a bit faster to catch up with the streamers who walked ahead as Mafumafu tried to fasten his pace to follow Soraru.

He was still very flustered about the fact that they were holding hands but he didn't want to mention it because he knew that Soraru would let go of his hand if he told him that so he decided to stay silent and just walk quietly.

As they continued walking they soon saw a light as they walked out to see the sun shining brightly above them. There was a wide forest in front of them and Soraru looked behind him to see where they just came from while he continued to walk. The Genome Tower was behind them but it was quite far away as Soraru sighed.

Weren't we just under the Genome Tower when we were underground? I seriously don't get the layout of this island... even though I learned everything I knew and tried my best to memorize everything... It's as if the people who created this place wanted us to be confused on this island. Soraru thought before his thoughts were interrupted Mafumafu who tugged onto his sleeve lightly and he looked at the albino questioning.

"Is something wrong, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as the older male simply nodded. "I was just in thought. It's just confusing that we are so far away from the Genome Tower when we were just directly under it yesterday.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu nodded.

"Yeah, that's because we took a long way and when we walked away from Mother Mimikry we walked away from the Genome Tower as well.", Mafumafu said as Soraru widened his eyes.

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