Chapter 2: Rhysand

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I feel someone coming as I stare at what she has painted through her eyes, that pair of beautiful grey-blue eyes. I tell her that someone is coming before leaving her mind. I watch as that slit that she created only for me in the walls of her adamant walls closes up so that I can't see what is done to her or what she has to do to keep up her web of carefully crafted lies. I rest my head against those walls stopping me from seeing what happens to her there with Tamlin and his cursed Court. 

I sigh and look out on Velaris, the place I wanted to share with her with my mate. Suddenly the door slams open and a very excited Amren stalks in. She drops a book on the dining room table. "Rhysand I have found a law that means that Tamlin cannot keep Feyre."

I turn to her, "We talked about this. This was her choice and we must honour that choice."

She laughs cold and cruel then, before continuing "Not everyone is connected to her mind like you and we worry about her so near them." 

I know who she means by them but before I can respond Mor walks in, and Amren says to her "Mor I have found a law that means Tamlin cannot keep Feyre and this over-grown bat won't listen!" Mor's eyebrows raised at me. 

"It was Feyre's choice and always will be!" I just remember "And who is interested in visiting the Spring Court tonight?"

"So we are going to go get her?" Mor and Amren ask her at the same time.

"No, we are going to see her in the woods tonight. To plan how to take that whole cursed court." I reply.

"All right," Amren says "But only one of your dogs Rhysand are any good at stealth." As if on time, Cassian and Az walk in. Mor bubbles up and says "We are going to the Spring Court tonight to see Feyre because we need to know-how and when to know when to get her out!"

"What... When... Why... How?" Cassian burst out. 

"We are going to the Spring Court to tonight to see Feyre because we need to know-how and when to know when to get her out." Mor repeats smiling like a hellion. I stare out on Sidra to the Rainbow, the place that my mate defended with her life. "She will return to us one day, soon!" Az says quietly from behind me. 

"I know but," I reply sadly "it is hard to know that I cannot protect her from him and what he might try to do to her." I shake my head and smile "I will enjoy tearing that bastard into tiny little pieces and burying each of those pieces in different places so no one can ever hope to put him back together!" 

"Lets drink to that!" Cassian says passing each of a glass. We all drink, the alcohol burning a path down my throat.

Please give me any tips or ideas 


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