Chapter Sixteen - James

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I head up the stairs to the second floor. I managed to find myself in Dominic's basement. I ended up playing pool with a group of strangers. It was actually really fun, I was starting to see why people go to these things.

Now that I've left I realise that I'll probably never see those people again. Maybe in a couple of classes, or passing them in school. But it's not like I got to know them, and I don't think I'll talk to them again. I'd much prefer to hang out with my friends. Or Guy.

After an hour in the basement I searched the first floor for him. Now I'm on the second, I look into the first room. No Guy. I check the second room. He's here. I'd like to say that I'm surprised by who else I see, but I think we were all expecting Amelia to come running back to Mason eventually.

"What about Ava?" asks Guy, frustration present in his voice.

Before Amelia can answer, Mason butts in, "I'm gonna go."

He makes sure to bump into my shoulder as he passes me. I stumble into the doorway. Jerk.

Amelia and Guy hear and turn to look at me. I can tell they aren't happy I'm here to hear this, but they don't tell me to leave.

"Close the door, James," says Amelia.

I do as I'm told before leaning up against the wall.

Guy asks the same question again, "What about Ava?"

"What about her? What happened between us wasn't serious."

"Maybe not but she cared a lot about you and you led her on."

Amelia snaps, "I'm straight! What happened between Ava and I was just a bit of fun."

Again, I'm not surprised. Guy and I could see it. I'm sure even Ava did, she just didn't want to admit it to herself. I get that. I feel so bad for her, this isn't the first time she's gotten hurt like this.

Guy, Ava and I were in the drama room. We didn't have a reason for it this time, we were just hanging out. We weren't meant to, but their teacher never seemed to catch us. They were right, I'd started breaking the rules a lot more. It was kind of liberating.

Guy and I had been hanging out with Ava a lot. He's right, she's a really cool person. We're lucky to be her friends.

To be honest she seemed to be spending more time with us than Amelia, which we found concerning, not that we minded at all. The signs that something was off were there for a while, I wish Amelia wasn't so thoughtless.

We were all eating and drinking, another thing that we shouldn't do. Ava took a swig of her lemonade and looked over at Guy, "Truth or dare?"

We'd been playing this game for a while now, it hadn't gotten interesting. Yet.

He looked her dead in the eyes, "Truth."

I was shocked, Guy rarely chooses truth, Ava and I had him doing handstands and cartwheels and sending random text messages all lunch.

Ava grins, "How many ex's do you have?"

I already knew the answer to this, but I waited for Guy to count.


Ava looked surprised, "Wow."

"What? Things were so different back then."

Guy seemed kind of uncomfortable, he doesn't really like talking about his past, so Ava doesn't press him any further.

"Good point."

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