Chapter Two - James

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I open my eyes to find myself in a strange white room. At first I'm confused as to where I am, but I recognize some medical equipment and realize that I'm in a hospital. Suddenly the events that led to this come flooding back to me.

I walked out of Biology and noticed Tessa leaning against a wall, scrolling through her phone.

"What are you up to?" I asked.

She jumped, "You scared me!"

I let out a chuckle.

"I was just looking at art on Instagram," she mumbled.

Tessa has always been interested in art. It's her passion. Of course she claims that she isn't very good at it, but anyone can tell that she's insanely talented. She always gets excellence's in Visual Art. Her work is amazing.

"How about you have some human interaction?" I teased.

"Okay, wanna come over to my house?"


"Yeah, why not, your parents aren't home until late anyway, right?"

My parents sometimes work long shifts at work. Usually they try to plan them on separate days, but today neither of them would be getting home until 7, "Good point, let's go."

When we arrived at her house, Tessa suggested we head up to her balcony.

"I'm going to try and walk across the railing," I said. I'm not sure why I decided to do this, or why I thought it was a good idea. I'm not usually spontaneous, and now I can see why.

"Okay just be careful," said Tessa, concern present in her voice.

I wasn't careful. I lost my balance and fell.

Everything after that was a blur, the last thing I remember was waking up. I notice a nurse take a peek into my room, and a smile spreads across her face when she notices that I'm awake. She's blonde, with bright blue eyes.

"Good to see you awake, your friends were really worried about you," she says.

Friends? Tessa must have called someone while I was passed out. I suspect it was Guy. Guy would drop anything for me, that's the type of friend he is. I look down at my arm and notice that it's in a cast, "Is it broken?" I ask.

The nurse nods with a frown on her face, "Yes. Your just lucky it was only your arm that broke."

Oh, god. Was my fall really that bad?

She sees my worried expression and plasters a smile on her face again before continuing, "The good news is that your arm will heal in six weeks, and after that you can get your cast taken off."

"This will be a fun month and a half," I say sarcastically.

She laughs, appreciating my humor, "I'll go let your friends know that you're awake."

After a few moments Tessa and Guy come darting in. My suspicion was correct.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay? We were so worried about you," babbles Tessa. She tends to talk fast when she's stressed.

I smile and shake my head, "I'm fine, no need to worry."

"Are you sure? I should never have taken you up there."

"Hey, it wasn't your fault. You told me to be careful, I'm the one who didn't listen."

Tessa's face softens and she begins to relax.

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