Chapter Six - James

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I walk into the French room yet again. This time however, I'm not here to meet Lola. I'm here to meet Chad. He practically demanded I come here after our conversation on the night I got my cast off. 

I tried explaining that Lola is my friend and I was looking out for her, but he didn't want to hear it. He said that he'd give me a 'talking to.' So here I am.

I'm hardly surprised that he isn't here yet. He's come late to every class we've ever had together. 

I take a seat and pull my Biology textbook out of my backpack. I'm working through the genetic variation questions when the door slams open. Chad is already trying to intimidate me. Great.

I check my watch and grin, "Only ten minutes late, a new record." I know I'll probably regret being a smart ass but I can't help myself. I'm using my valuable time to be here, I might as well have some fun.

Chad is visually annoyed by my remark, but doesn't bother to retort. Instead he gets down to bushiness, "What's the real reason you've been talking to Lola?" he grunts.

I roll my eyes, "I've told you, she's my friend. She has been since way before you started dating her."

"Well now that we are dating, I don't want you hanging around her."

"I haven't been. We messaged."

"So your denying meeting her in here?"

"No. I just don't count that as 'hanging around'" I say while making finger quotes.

"What were you doing then?"

"We were just talking. Catching up. As you do." 

"You won't be doing that anymore."

"What's your problem?"

Chad glares at me, "You."

"Why? Lola should be able to have friends. You don't own her."

"She's my girlfriend, not yours. Back off buddy."

I let out a laugh at the word 'buddy.' I've never heard anyone use it so aggressively.

Chad looks like he's about to burst a vein, "Something funny?"

I ignore his question, "Don't worry, 'buddy' I'm not trying to steal Lola from you."

"I can't trust you. Just stay away from her or there will be consequences."

I give up. There's no point in arguing with him.

"Okay. But don't expect her to be happy about any of this."

"I'm doing her a favour," Chad mutters.

And like that he leaves he room, slamming the door behind him.

I knew Chad was a jerk but I didn't think he was this bad. I shouldn't be surprised, it's not like he's never picked on me, or anyone else, in the past.

I was sitting in the hallway, reading a book. I was minding my own business but Chad decided  he wanted someone to pick on, and unfortunately I happened to be the perfect target.

"Well look who it is, the teachers pet," said Chad, with a sinister grin plastered across his face.

I ignored his remark but he wasn't going to give up so soon.

"What are you reading?" he asked.

I ignored him again so he snatched the book out of my hands.

"Of course. I should have known," he snickered whilst looking at my health book, "You don't have a life outside of school."

I was beginning to become frustrated.

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