"Thank everything." Laura hissed.

He side-eyed her. "I bet it took you forever to get your suit!"

"We found our suits in less than fifteen minutes!"

"Yeah right!"

She punched his arm. "You get on my last nerve!"

"It's why I'm here!"

"I believe it." Marcy muttered to Quinn, who snickered.

"I'll take these." Marc held up black and brown trunks.

Laura huffed. "Find something, Mal!"

"Mickey hasn't found anything!" Mal argued.

Mickey pulled on Marcy's hand. "I like this one, Mommy!"

"What was that?" Laura crossed her arms.

Mal pouted as Mickey pulled Marcy over to a blue tankini. "Hey, Mick. You're making Daddy look bad."

Mickey looked him over. "I sorry, Daddy."

"He's fine." Marcy picked up the swimsuit. "Find something, Mal. I'm leaving as soon as I buy these suits and if you haven't gotten one, I'm leaving you here."

"You're mean." Mal took the suit Mercedes found.

"I'm not doing this all day." Marcy took the twins to the front counter and paid.

Her siblings lined up behind her and the guys paid before leaving.

"So we'll wash your trunks and put ours on." Laura said. "What are we taking to the beach with us?"

"Definitely the radio." Marcy unlocked Travis and they got in, Laura and Marc in the rear with the twins, Mike, Mercedes and Quinn in the back and Mal riding shotgun as Marcy drove home.

"We'll need blankets and towels." Mercedes went on.

"Are we having lunch there or are we going somewhere?" Quinn asked.

"I got an idea for lunch. We'll come back to town." Marc said.

"Do we have toys for the little ones?" Laura swiped a finger over Mickey's cheek.

"Do they need toys?" Marcy didn't know that. "Is that important?"

"I think need is a strong word. But they won't be in the water the entire time."

"Where do we get toys?"

"Try a toy store." Mal put in.

"You think they'll have beach toys?"

He shrugged.

"Where's the nearest toy store?"

"Try Toys'R'Us." Quinn suggested.

"Where is it?" Marcy repeated.

Mike gave her step by step directions. "It's right here."

Marcy parked and they all got out. They went inside and marveled at the large store. It had all kinds of toys. Some they'd never seen before, some they hadn't seen in years. They stayed in the store, trying out things and playing around for a while.

"We're burning daylight." Mike looked at his watch.

"Say "aww, Tio Mike! You're ruinin the fun!"." Mal teased to his son.

But Mally took him serious. "Aww, Tio Mike! You're ruining the fun!"

Marc and Mal laughed.

Mike scowled. "Shut up, Mal!"

And I'd Do It AgainWhere stories live. Discover now