chapter fifteen

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"Lou...Louuuuu" someone was whispering in my ear. I peaked one eye open to see Ellie sitting on my chest. I closed my eye again as Ellie whispered in my ear, "Louis pleaseee wake up".

She squished my cheeks in and continued to whisper to me. Eventually I figured that she probably wanted something so I opened my eyes.

"What do you need love?" I asked her.

"I can't sleep." She pouted. I picked up my phone and saw that I was late... extremely late. I was supposed to pick Lottie up at the airport in about an hour late.

"Do you want to come with me on an adventure Ellie?" She nodded her head eagerly, "then let's get ready to go".

She got off of my chest quickly and ran to where her suitcase was, "Can I wear this pleaseee" she asked, holding up her footie pajamas. They were pink with white polka dots and a little monkey on the front. I shrugged, we were only going to the airport. Instead of trying to mess with her crazy curls I pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail before changing my own clothes.

I put Ellies boots on her feet and slipped a coat on over her onesies before exiting the tour bus. Our driver was going to take us to the airport so that we could get there with no problems. There shouldn't be anybody who knows we are coming, seeing as we weren't boarding any type of flight.

On the car ride there Ellie ended up falling asleep, but once we got into the busy airport she was lively as ever. We managed to make it with five minutes to spare. I sat on a bench that was against the back wall with my hood up. Ellie sat next to me watching all the people.

"Where do you think he's going?" Ellie pondered, pointing at a man with a business suit on.

"I don't know Ellie, what do you think?" I countered.

"Fairyland!" Ellie giggled.

We continued this game on and on until I received a text from lottie.

Lottie- where are you?

Louis- in the back near a bench, look for the polka dot footie pajamas

Lottie- you are not wearing footie pajamas

Louis- no not me, Ellie...obviously

Lottie- ok headed your way

"Louis how much longer" Ellie whined.

"I promise Ellie not that much longer."

"Lou!" I heard the familiar voice of my sister cry out.

I looked up to see lottie rushing towards us with open arms. Before I knew it she was crashing into my arms.
Ellie stood shyly holding my hand, hiding behind my leg.

"Ellie say hi to Lottie" I tried to convince her.

"You're really pretty, are you a princess?" Ellie exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.

Lottie laughed and thanked her. "Ellie, lottie is my sister and she's going to be coming on the road with us" I tried to explain.

"Cool!" Ellie exclaimed.

"We should get going before we get spotted." I said as I grabbed one of Lottie's bags and scooped Ellie up with my other arm. We made it to the car and I'm pretty sure nobody saw us.

"What's your favorite color? Do you live in a palace? What's your favorite animal? Why are you coming with us? Do you like candy? Can we be friends?" Ellie was spitting out questions faster than Lottie could answer them.

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