chapter ten

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Niall's POV:

The tour bus was crowded and crammed between myself, Liam, Louis, Harry, zayn, the 5 sos lads, and Ellie, but we were getting on well. Ellie could easily share a bunk with any of us so she slept with me last night. Luckily, after tonight's show we get to go to a hotel.

Sadly, Ellie was starting to get impatient and we still had two more hours on the bus. We had already watched movies, let her play on Snapchat, played hide and seek, played with her dolls, and eaten lunch so there weren't many options left. Ellie still had to nap, but she was refusing and claiming that she was a big girl and that big girls don't do naps.

Harry's POV

Ellie will not stop whining over every small thing. We tried every tactic we knew to put her to sleep. She had her binky in, she had monkey, she had her blanket, but nothing seemed to work. Right now she was sitting in Lukes lap curled up in a small ball. Her eyes are slowly closing, but she keeps fighting it and taking her binky out. Eventually luke gave up and handed her over to me.

I asked her why she didn't want to sleep and she quietly whispered. "Because of the dreams."

I knew that she had bad dreams, but I didn't know they were that bad. I then remembered something I used the first night she stayed with us. She still always wore my cross necklace everywhere she went because she believed it had powers. I tapped the small metal cross that was hanging from the chain. She looked up at me and nodded. I told her that as long as she had this on nobody could hurt her, even if it seemed like it in her dreams. She nodded slowly at me and started to close her eyes. I traced small circles on her back until I felt her breathing even out.

"How'd you do that Haz?" Louis questioned me.

"Magical necklace" was all I had to say.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me and shrugged. I chuckled at him.

Ellies POV

I was being chased, but that wasn't the scary part. The scary part was that i didn't know what was chasing me. I heard it calling my name and the voice was familiar. Eventually I hit a dead end and I turned around. I saw Harry there. I started to go towards him until I saw the anger in his eyes.

"Hazza" I whimpered.

"Don't call me that you worthless piece of shit" he growled back at me.

"But,but the necklace".

I looked down and saw that the necklace was gone and I was exposed.

"What are you gonna do now" Harry asked stepping closer to me.

It was like I could feel his breath on me now. He raised his hand up high into the air and as it started to come down towards my face I could hear my name being called.

I sat up instantly and was met with the worried eyes of Liam. I looked up to see Harry's face and I immediately hopped off of his lap. Tears were streaming down my face as i ran away from Harry. I jumped up onto Louis's lap and buried my face into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and started to rock me back and forth.

Once I had finally stopped crying I started to trace around Louis's tattoos. Nobody was talking and it was awkwardly silent. I started to hum to myself while squishing Louis's cheeks in and out. He was making silly faces at me and i was returning them. You could feel the bus stop moving as everyone stood up. I held onto Louis tightly as he carried me out of the bus. There were lots of screaming girls outside and I buried my face in Louis's shoulder to conceal myself.

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