chapter twelve

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I woke up in tears and without monkey. I hopped off of the bunk I was sleeping in and ran around the tour bus trying to find him. Nobody was awake except for the driver. I finally found monkey under some pillows and ran back to the bunks.

I didn't want to be alone so I climbed into the nearest bunk. It just so happened to be Niall's. The second I got in he snuggled me close to his chest and I closed my eyes, drifting off into another sleep.

When i woke up I was alone in the bunk.

"NiNi" I cried out.

The curtain concealing the bunk soon opened and I saw Niall's blue eyes looking at me. Instantly, I crawled into his arms and rested my head onto his shoulder. He walked through to the lounge area where all of the boys were and sat down on the couch.

"Guess what Ellie, " Harry said while approaching me. "Lux is gonna be at the stadium today".

"Really?" I gasped. "Yay!"

Zayn tiredly walked into the room and slumped down on a couch.

"Guess what Zayn?!" I exclaimed, "Lux is gonna be here today!"

"Not so loud munchkin you are yelling" Liam told me.

"Oh" I blushed.

        I felt the bus stop moving and I braced myself for the screaming of girls. Louis picked me up into his hip and I hid my face into his neck. When the door opened the screams were deafening, but once we got into the building they were silenced. I looked around, trying to find Lux, but there were too many but people blocking my view. I stood on my tiptoes, but that only blocked my view more. All I could see were legs.

Suddenly, I felt a small tap on my left shoulder and turned around to see Lux there. She quickly wrapped her arms around me in a hug and then she grabbed my hand and we ran off to the dressing room. Well, she ran, I attempted to keep up, but my legs were too small.

       Eventually, I made it to the dressing room and Lux already had dolls set out. As we started to play I began to struggle with my cast. It was no fun to play with one hand. I could only use one doll at a time, when Lux could use two easily.

      "I don't want to play anymore" I announced and ran off to find the boys.

       I walked all around looking for them, but they were nowhere to be seen. At some point I found Paul and asked him where they were, but he didn't know either. I sighed and trudged off, back to the dressing room. On the way there i saw the Luke, Callum, Micheal, and Ashton. Maybe they know where the boys are. I walked over to them and asked them, but they didn't know either. I shrugged and sat next to Micheal on the couch, my eyes getting droopier by the second.


          We all walked into the dressing room and saw Ellie sound asleep on Micheals lap.

     "Told you I'm her favorite" Micheal smirked.

       I rolled my eyes and chuckled. It was honestly good that she was getting sleep now anyways. We decided that tonight she could watch our concert and not have to go to bed. We thought it could be something positive after what happened with her dad. Luckily we were able to track the phone number and get him arrested. (Check the a/n for an explanation on why this wasn't elaborated on)

       For the rest of the afternoon we all just hung out and messed around. Ellie still hasn't woken up, which trapped Micheal on the couch. He claimed that he didn't care because he got to be with Ellie, but we all could tell he was getting a little bit bored. 

Ellie's story ... A One Direction Adoption Story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora