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I looked at myself in the mirror as I nervously swallowed. My slender body looked ungracefully slim in the black t-shirt I wore that was tucked into loose black pants. I topped it off with white shoes that sported black laces.

Since I was practically leaving the house under a lie, I slid on a black baggy hoodie to make my look more casual. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to ruffle it up more even though it was already ruffled beyond hair gel salvation.

Satisfied with my look, I went to my bed and got my bag that had some spare clothes, underwear and a toothbrush inside. I gave myself one last look before leaving my room.

I walked down the stairs and rolled my eyes at the lick of conversation that I heard between my mother and Kate.

"But school is so hard," Kate argued, sounding dramatically in despair. "Despite just starting, there is so much work and Jamie would be so tired. It's not like it is his first time staying over anyway. After we're done studying, we'll eat snacks, watch TV and go to bed."

"Fine," Mom said as she gave up with a sigh, "but he should be back by 8am tomorrow."

I internally scoffed. They were talking about me like I was some kid. To be honest, I didn't think that this would be Kate's plan B but since Mom was eating it up, I had no complaints.

I rounded the corner and entered the kitchen. "I'm ready," I announced.

Kate frowned slightly when she took in my appearance but nodded nonetheless. "Lets get going. Those books aren't going to study themselves."

While walking out of the door, I cautiously glanced at my mom. She waved at me with a small smile as she leaned against the kitchen doorframe and I returned it.

I closed the door behind me and we made our way to Kate's car. I felt relieved when the night air touched my skin and it somewhat confirmed that I wasn't imagining things. I really left the house.

"Really, Jamie. Is this what you're going with?" Kate asked once we reached her car and I looked at her.

"I'm taking off the jumper later so, don't piss your pants," I said, adjusting my bag.

She gave me a once over then unlocked her car. "We are over thirty minutes late," she complained as we both got in, "if the good stuff are done by the time we get there, you're a dead man."

"Sorry. Mom keeping a close eye on me was nerve wrecking. I felt like she could read my mind."

Kate laughed. "Don't be so paranoid, Jamie. Just relax as I give you a taste of rebellion that doesn't involve your usual dose of nicotine, 'kay?"

I chuckled and leaned back into the leather. "Whatever."


Kate pulled into the driveway of a huge house. A lot of cars were parked around and it was a good thing that there were no nearby neighbors because the music was deafening.

I took off my jumper and ruffled up my hair again. Leaving my bag in the back, I got out of the car as Kate did the same and locked it.

"Ready?" she asked.

I let out a shaky breath. My heart wasn't anywhere near calm and the possibly large amount of people inside had my skin feeling prickly.

"Yeah," I answered and followed as Kate led me inside.

"I'm going to get us some drinks so take a seat." With that, she walked away before I could even reply.

My eyes searched what seemed to be the living room and I almost gagged when I spotted a couple in a dark corner playing intense tonsil tennis while the guy's hand was in between the girl's thighs. I walked across the room and quietly made my way into the backyard, my nose crinkled slightly at the scent of alcohol.

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