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"How did it go?" Kate asked the following morning, as I got into her car.

"Well," I began and closed the door to the passenger seat, "she said that since I'm eighteen, I am old enough to go to a party to have fun and meet new people."

Her lips stretched into a hopeful smile. "Really?"

I gave her a sarcastic look and her smile faltered.  I thought that Kate knew better than to think that my mother thought of me as more than that little smudge of Lord-knows-what on the ultrasound screen. That little flower bud that had to be carefully watched and tended.

No matter what I tried, Mom wouldn't let me go out with people she didn't know. It sucked but that was the reality and I had to swallow it.

"Oh," She said as she looked to the front and started the car before maneuvering her way out of the driveway. Her smile was completely gone now and she had a serious expression on her face as she stared at the road in front of her. "So.... What are you going to do?"

I huffed, "I'll do the obvious, Kate. I won't go."

She rolled her eyes. "Like fuck, you won't. I've got a plan B all set out so, don't worry about a thing."

I rose a skeptical brow at that. "Is this plan legal?"

"It is." She giggled. "Besides, your mom needs to understand that you're growing and will have to move out, find a job and get married sooner or later. With or without her permission."

"Tell that to her and she will have a heart attack," I mumbled and Kate laughed.

"As long as I'm alive and breathing, you are going for this party, Jamie jelly baby."

I rolled my eyes at the poor nickname choice. "What's this plan about then?"

She shot me a sly smirk. "Oh, you'll see."

Although Kate's persistence is annoying, it was the thing that made our friendship work in the first place. My mother calls her the source of my rebellious bone and although she wasn't very fond of Kate, she tried to get along with her for my sake.

When Mom made sure that I was isolated enough, Kate was the only child in the neighborhood who never stayed away. She was so persistent on being my friend that Mom actually gave up on cutting her out of my life.

I leaned back into the leather seat and smiled to myself. I'm totally going for this party. That is, if Kate's plan is legal.


Later, we arrived at school just on time and went our separate directions after bidding each other goodbye. I made my way to my class and took my usual seat at the front. I pulled out my module and began to read the first few pages before the lecturer stepped in.

The day flew past in the blink of an eye. My two classes of the day were finally over and I left immediately. Just after I walked past the door leading to the corridor, my phone hummed in vibration.

I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the lit screen.

Kate, 2:44pm;
Classes are gonna end in over thirty minutes.
Mr. Smith gave us some work and I'm dyyyyyying. Screw flowers and put doritos on my grave.

I chuckled and typed in a quick reply.

Jamie, 2:45pm;
Just done with my last class for the day :P
Don't die though, I need my chauffer alive until I graduate.

Kate, 2:45pm.
Die, bitch.
You are totally walking your ass home today.

Jamie, 2:46pm.
Sorry, your majesty~

With a chuckle, I put my phone in my pocket and took the stairs to the floor above. I had read that the vending machine was located there. All this doritos talk had my stomach singing for some cool ranch flavoured doritos.

I stopped in front of the large vending machine and my mood brightened up when I saw that it was there. Eyeing the bag of cool ranch doritos laying in its compartment on the top, I pulled out some money and slid it into the bill slot.

Pressing all necessary buttons, the steel holding my precious snack back uncoiled. I slightly leaned forward in anticipation and the most unbelievable thing happened.

It hit the glass and got stuck!

My jaw dropped. This can't be fucking happening.

I walked close to the machine and lightly tapped my fingers aganist the cold glass. The bag stayed right where it was and I let out a frustrated sigh.

After five minutes of furious glass tapping, I gave up. Letting my arms drop to my sides, I glared daggers at the delicacy playing hard to get. I looked around. Seeing that the corridor was practically deserted, I lifted my foot slightly above the ground in an attempt to kick the damn machine half to life.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice said. I sharply turned my head to the right, almost giving myself a whiplash, as I looked at the owner of that deep and smooth voice.

It came from a tall and slightly muscular young man. He had soft though piercing light grey eyes and black tendrils of hair hung low at the top of his head, almost brushing his eyebrows in a stylish mess.

"I wasn't going to kick it," I sputtered nervously, instantly dropping my foot to the pale white tiles.

He rose a brow at me and his lips stretched into an amused smile. "Oh? I didn't mention anything about kicking though."

A furious blush spread across my cheeks as my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when I realized that I gave myself away.

"I j-just thought that you..." I trailed off and he chuckled.

The man walked towards me and stood next to me as he eyed the contraption in front of us. He leaned down and opened the flap then let it fall and just like that, the snack came tumbling down.

He got it and handed it to me. "Here, buddy."

I hastily took it from his hands and mumbled, "Thanks."

The guy stared at me for a while and I lightly squirmed uncomfortably at his scrutiny. I wanted to say something but my people skills were as dry as the Sahara.

"Are you new here?" he asked. "I've never seen you before."

"I just started," I absentmindedly pulled open the bag and slid a chip into my mouth.

He nodded. "That's great. Are you enjoying the school so far?"

"Yeah." I swallowed. "Everything's fine."

I stared down at the triangular orange chips and wondered if I could offer him one as thanks. I shook my head lightly, judging against it. I would probably creep him out.

His phone rang, snapping me out of my random thoughts and he looked at the screen, frowning slightly. "I have to get going then. It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too."

He slid his phone back into his pocket and walked passed me.

I felt a smile tug at my lips as I stuffed a handful of doritos in my mouth. If he ever wanted to hang out, that would make him my first friend who wasn't Kate.

He was a senior to top it off. I would have someone to have a guys night out with and if we are doing the same program, he would be of great help. The idea made my chest clench nervously.

Suddenly, the guy turned around and I flinched. "See you at the party!"

I quickly swallowed the doritos, wincing when those that I didn't completely chew scratched the back of my throat. "You too!" I yelled back and he continued his walk.

I clutched the almost empty bag in my hands. I've never been more excited for Friday.

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