Time Away

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"How long has it been since you were last here?"
"Too long. I haven't been here since year seven. I wanted to come back here desperately but I had no way of coming down by myself and college has been a bit too much for me."
"Damn, I didn't know it was that long ago. Well now you are here with your favourite person of a time!" I put on a cheesy grin and you scoff.
"Alright, I'll just go home then. BYE!"
"NOO!" You pull me back hard causing me to squeak and loose balance.
"You are also stronger then you used to be."
"How would you know?"
"I don't, I'm just messing with you." You poke your tongue out at me.
"Well you're mean. By the way do you even know where you are going?"
"I've been following you, I've never been here before. I don't even know where the closest cow is. Anyway, you know where the cottage is, you've pretty much took us there already." I point into the distance at what looked like an old stone chimney. The grassy hills were blocking the rest of the cottage.
"Jack, stop and listen...you hear that?"
"You on about the rushing water?" You smirk and suddenly have a burst of energy.
"It's the waterfall! Do you wanna drop off our stuff and head back to it?" You looked so happy, I couldn't say no, plus, I wanted to see it because of all the stories you used to tell me about it. It sounds amazing.
"Yeah Why not, it sounds like a brilliant plan."

We walk for another 5 minutes before we got to the cottage. It was old fashioned, It looked beautiful. I struggled to get the keys out of my pocket.
"Dude, hurry up!"
"Dude, be patient." There's that look again.
"Alright, alright." I get the door open and you rush in throwing your bags onto the floor. You look so happy, happier then I've seen you all day. I'm glad that it's my idea that is making you this way. I pick up my luggage and head inside but I can no longer see you.
"JACK, COME HERE!" I ran to the sound of your voice.
You were standing in the middle of the room with a big grin on your face and watering eyes.
"What's up Tess? You ok?"
"This was my old room whenever we came here. Hehe there was this time where I screamed so loud my mum literally thought I was being murdered."
"Why? What happened? Did you look in the mirror?" You look at me with wide eyes and punch my arm.
"OOOW, it was just a joke!" I rub my arm.
"Well, one morning I woke up like usual and I opened the curtains to see a cow staring at me through the window but that didn't make me scream, it just spooked me, it's also kinda normal, What happened after is what made me scream. I took my dressing gown off of its hook and was about to put it on when a massive spider fell out of it. I screamed and jumped onto my bed." As you said that a shiver shot down my spine but I couldn't help myself and I had to laugh.
"Sorry...that is too funny." I couldn't breath.
"Just...just give me a moment to catch my breath again." I crouched down.
"That's where the spider was." I jumped up and shook myself.
"Ha! Did you think I forgot about your fear of spiders? I don't think that'll ever happen." I was still laugh but now you had joined me.

"How about you show me around then, eh? Bring me to the waterfall? I remember the stories you told me about that place, you made it sound like a utopia."
"Yeah sure let's go." You looked so exited. We had both calmed down from out laughing fit.
As we walked out the house the smell of freshness, which I didn't acknowledge earlier, hit me. It felt great.
"You ever seen a waterfall, Jack?" I hate to say it but I haven't.
"The closest thing I've seen to a waterfall is a kitchen sink." You skip ahead of me, unable to control you energy.
"Well, be glad that you get to see one with me." Believe me I'm so glad.
"It's not to big but it is beautiful and the water is so clear. Also I know you love nature just as much as me so you are gonna enjoy it even more." You are skipping along ahead of me as you talk.
"Even if I didn't like nature as much as you, I would still love it because I am here with you and that is all I've asked for." You look back and smile.
"You are a real big softy, Jack, you know that." I laugh because it's true and I'm not scared to admit it.
"Come on! Speed up!" You gesture me to move faster with your hand.
"I'm coming don't worry." The sound of the waterfall grew as we walked.
"Its rained recently so there should be more activity in the waterfall, which means it'll look even better." You smile continues to grow which I didn't believe was possible.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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