Soup Soup Lemonade

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"How are you feeling Yui?" I questioned curiously, as I tried to hide my worry from showing through my calm tone of voice.

The last thing I needed right now, was Yui who was already sick with a fever to be freaking out and worrying about her sick condition.

"I'm fine..." She replied quietly, as she seem to have a hard time keeping her eyes open.

It was like she was using all her energy just to keep her eyes open so she could reassure that she was alright.

However, her reassurance was unneeded, as I grabbed her dry washcloth off her forehead, and fixed her blanket so she could be more comfortable.

Humans have always been very...breakable and weak.

"You know that you can just wish to become better." I whispered to her, as I waited for a response that never came.

I glanced over at her, to be greeted with her limb, still body that laid vulnerable on the giant bed, allowing any danger to trespass and attack her.

It was like she was laying in a giant coffin with red velvet padding, making it comfortable for her to sleep.

It was honestly a very depressing sight to see, seeing Yui lay there frozen, as if she was dead.

The only thing that proved that Yui was still alive was her deep breathing that could be heard even from across the room.

Apparently, she has falling asleep on me.

Diverting my graze from Yui's sick condition I then cradled the wash cloth in my hands, as I made my way into the bathroom, wet the washcloth, and then exited the bathroom to place it on her burning forehead once more.

By the time she wakes up again, the medicine would of most likely wore off so I decided to just give her more medicine then.

"What's wrong with Bitch-Chan?" Questioned a playful voice that caught me off guard and caused me to spin around to face no one other than Laito.

"She's obviously not in great shape to deal with you." I replied harshly while narrowing my eyes at his smirk that crawled onto his flawless pasty face.

"So Bitch-Chan won't be able to play with me?~" Laito asked with fake sadness, as he tilted his head to the side and gave me a pouting lip.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior while walking over and grabbing his shoulders in a demanding way.

"You'll be fine, now go on and be the pervert that you are. Yui is in no condition to have her blood sucked by you pests." I replied while forcing him to stand up and guide him towards the exit of the room.

"Ow~ Bad Bitch-Chan your so rough with me." Cried out Laito while I ignored his complaining and opened the large wooden door.

I gave him a push, as he stumbled out into the dark hallway.

"And make sure to tell your brothers to not come and bother Yui either." I warned Laito, as he did the pouting lip again and crossed his arms like a child not getting his way.

However, his eyes lit up, once noticing the small candy bag that was sitting on the nightstand by the Yui's giant bed.

"Did you get that from the dance?" Questioned Laito curiously, as I gave him an annoyed look.

He's like a pesky fly. You keep swatting, but it still continues to annoy the crap out of you.

"Yes." I replied with a strained voice, as Laito's famous smirk returned once more onto his face.

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