A Late Halloween! {Special Chapter}

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"I'm so sore." I commented randomly, as I stiffly walked with Nakura and Yui down the overfilled hallway.

"Ditto." replied Nakura, as she nodded with agreement.

"That Rollerblading dance seriously damaged my leg muscles all weekend. You should of seen me on Saturday!" I exclaimed while we continued to walk down the hallway not only half asleep, but like a group of zombies.

"I got bruises all over because I kept falling." mumbled Yui, as she kept her graze on the floor.

Apparently, over the weekend Yui got something and she hasn't been feeling the greatest lately. One of the disadvantages of being a human is getting sick.

Unless she wishes to become better, I really can't do anything about it.

"Attention students. We are going to have a Halloween Parade after school this Friday. It would be recommended for you to bring your costumes to school and then change into them after school ends for the parade." Announced a feminine voice over the speakers, as I stopped in mid walk just to listen.

Good thing, everyone shut their traps in the hallway, otherwise I wouldn't been able to hear her.

"What is Halloween?" I questioned curiously, as I shifted my attention over at Yui and Nakura.

"It's where you dress up in a costume and go trick and treating. Well mostly younger kids go trick and treating." explained Nakura, as I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"So on Halloween what do you usually dress up as?" I questioned while Yui seemed to slowly drifted away from Nakura and I.

"I'll see you guys later...I don't want to be late for class." she mumbled quietly, as she walked down the hall like a floating ghost.

Nakura and I both realizing if we didn't start moving, we would be late for class, as we started to speed walk towards our classrooms.

"You can dress up as anything on Halloween." replied Nakura, as I became lost in thought and my legs continued to walk on autopilot.

Rollerblading Dance last Friday, Halloween Parade this Friday. It seems like the Friday's have been busy lately.

But I've never been to a Halloween Parade before...

"Will you go to the Halloween Parade with me? I know you already went to the Rollerblading Dance, but a Halloween Parade sounds fun!" I exclaimed cheerfully while Nakura seemed to be searching for a reply.

"Sure why not." she responded as I couldn't help, but have a happy grin plastered on my face.

Now that I know I'm going, the question is what am I going to be?

"Rinnnnng!" chirped the school bell loudly while Nakura and I looked at each other in horror.

"Crap!" we yelled in unison, as we now sprinted down the long corridor to our classroom.


"We're here!" I yelled, as I swung open the door.

My legs felt like wobbling noodles, as I made my way into the classroom, knowing that my teacher's piercing eyes where on us the whole time.

"Your late." our teacher snapped, as my heart one minute ago was pounding like a hammer, froze upon hearing the anger and coldness in our teachers voice.

"We are terribly sorry." replied Nakura, as I just remained silent.

"Just take a seat." replied our teacher, as Nakura and I scurried to our seats like a bunch of flustered hens.

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