A Ride Home

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I smirked back at him while taking my seat that so happened to be behind the raven haired vampire. Well this shall be fun. I thought as my train of thought was suddenly interrupted from a loud crashing noise.

My attention was drawn to a clumsy girl that was now picking up her books off the ground.

She had jaw length raven hair that was slightly spiked on the edges and had round spectacles propped on her nose. She had a small figure like Yui except this girl seemed different.

Hearing snickering from a group of boy students that just entered the room I quickly stood up and marched my way over to the girl.

Picking up random books from the floor I noticed the girls arms seemed to be shaking. If this girl was timid she most likely be shaking of nervousness because of the unwanted attention. Or she could just be angry and is trying to control her temper.

"Thanks." she mumbled as I gave her the last book that was left. She quickly stood up and speed walked over to her desk that was near the front without another word.

Leaving me to now get up and head to my desk. Students started to pile into the room while the bell rang indicating that class was starting.

"Alright class today we are going to work in pairs for today's assignment. The person behind you shall be your partner." said the teacher as I quickly looked behind me.

And of course no one was there. I slowly turned around to be greeted by the raven haired vampire who didn't hesitate to turn his seat around and sit down so he could face me.

"I didn't introduce myself the other day. My name is Ruki Mukami." he explained with a smirk plastered on his face as I rose an eyebrow.

"Kasumi." I replied as he seemed to wait for me to say more.

"Just Kasumi." I explained as Ruki seemed to study me.

"Your living at the Sakamaki Household correct?" he asked as I grew suspicious with his friendly behavior.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I must say the Sakamaki's must have a good amount of patience to deal with a handful like you." he said while coldly smirking.

Ignoring the insult I replied "Not really. I mean they already are angry at me for this morning."

Ruki's face quickly became interested.

"Oh really. What did you do?" asked Ruki.

"Be a handful." I replied while Ruki now seemed to just stare at me like I was some type of rare species. Well you don't really see Genie's everyday so I guess you can say I'm like a rare species.

"So are we going to do this assignment or are you going to stare at me like an idiot all day?" I asked as he now seemed to be broken from a trance.

"Of course." he replied.


After a whole day of boring classes I ventured the halls towards the limo where the brothers awaited. I continued to dread the thought of doing homework, but something catch my eye and stopped me in my tracks.

A book. And not just any book it's one of the books I picked up earlier for the girl. I walked over to pick it up, as I glanced around the area to find the owner. The girl seemed to be no where in sight, as I now flipped over the book to read the title.

To my surprise the cover said Genie in fancy gold lettering. I grew curious, as I opened the book to find out it was a book containing information about Genies.

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