I'm a Genie in a Bottle

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I've always lived alone...

The darkness was my home and when there was light my own shadow was my friend....

Time seemed to go on forever and I would never age...

I only live to serve my master.....

I have the power to give my master three free wishes and expect nothing in return...

This is my purpose because I'm nothing more than a genie.


The sunlight haired blonde sat on the king sized bed that was covered with a soft and elegant fabric.

Slumping her small shoulders her pink blossomed orbs glistened with sadness.

She has been in this giant mansion with six teen aged vampires that liked to tease, hurt, and bite her and she hated it.

Tears threaten to escape her eyes, as she squeezed her small palms of her hands in frustration.

She knew crying wouldn't solve anything and either Ayato or Latio would appear to tease and embarrass before drinking her blood.

Ever since she was younger she was always told to treat others the way she wanted to be treated.

So that was why ever since she arrived here at the mansion she made sure to be kind to these sinful vampires. Even though they responded by treating her poorly.

Wiping the on the run tears from her cheeks she then pondered for a moment before finally deciding to take a relaxing bath to help calm her down.

This time though she would make sure to take a real bath.

Last time Shu was there to greet her and curiosity got the better of her, as she ignored her pleading instinct that told her to just run and ended up getting her clothes drenched from being pulled into the bath while getting her blood sucked.

Now that she thinks about it, where would she even run if she was in that situation again?

Obviously, Ayato would be waiting for her in her room so she would have no where to run.

Knowing no matter what happened there wouldn't be a different outcome, Yui then decided that whatever happened just couldn't be helped.

Snapping herself from her distracting thoughts, she then made her way to her wooden dresser.

Yui couldn't help though, but notice a strange object was placed on it.

This confused Yui for she didn't notice this beautiful object before, it was like it just magically appeared.

It was shaped like a long bottle, as it was covered with amethyst and silver gems that captured the light and making it cast a rainbow onto the crimson colored carpet.

It was so captivating to look at Yui couldn't help, but have the urge to touch this beautiful treasure.

As if in a trance, Yui allowed her slender fingers reach out and come in contact with the glittered jewels that covered the bottle.

In a instance, the bottle started to violently spin like a tornado.

Yui who was taken by surprise jerked herself away from the bottle, and headed towards safety behind the ginormous bed.

A foggy mist sprouted from the pointed cap, as it now covered the room like a giant translucent blanket.

Yui stared with awe, as she continued to hide cautiously behind the giant object.

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