My Punishment

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Damn you Reiji. I thought, as I sighed in annoyance while continuing to dust the walls off.

I could feel Reiji's graze on my back, as I continued to take my time dusting the already clean walls.

Apparently, Reiji is making sure I actually follow through, with these set of punishments.

He made a list of chores that I had to complete and it was really annoying having him stand there, watching me clean this mansion like an obedient dog.

First of all I'm am not an obedient dog, but all thanks to Yui I am one right now.

10 minutes earlier...

"There is no way in hell I'm going to be your maid and clean this mansion." I spat while giving Reiji a killer look.

Only if looks could kill...

Reiji would now would be dangling from the ceiling by his neck like a chandelier if I had my way.

"If you can not have respectful manners, then you shall not be permitted to live in this mansion." Reiji explained while pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose.

"Good. I don't want to live here with a bunch of a-holes anyways!" I snapped while Reiji who seemed taken back from the answer, glared at me while regaining his straight posture once more.

Yui who was standing at the side lines, quiet the whole time, finally spoke up.

"But Kasumi has no where else to go!" exclaimed Yui while I gave her a strange look.

What is she talking about? I could always live in my lamp if this robot of a butler kicked me out. I thought while Reiji seemed to be analyzing her answer.

"If she doesn't take responsibility for her actions and go through with her punishments I will have no choice, but to send her away from this manor." explained Reiji while I rolled my eyes at his seriousness.

Yui regained the same troubled look she had earlier on her face at lunch, as she seemed to be lost in thought.

Finally, after it seemed like hours for me, she finally decided to do something unexpected and turn to face me.

"Kasumi you will go through the punishments." she told me while I noted her hands shaking with nervousness.

Looks like she actually grew enough confidence to have the lady balls to tell me I was going to be the Sakamaki's maid for a whole day.

In a way I was kind of impressed she would actually tell me that, but the same time I was really agitated.

I clenched my teeth while trying my hardest to contain my fury from exploding out.

What the hell Yui?! I screamed in my mind.

But I knew the damage was already done. She has just commanded me to go through with the punishment and me being a Genie, I am bond to my master commands and must follow them no matter how horrible they might be.

One of the disadvantages of being a Genie.

I turned to Reiji while hissing out a question.

"When do I start?"

Reiji acting like the freaking King of England, smirked before replying.


So here I was dusting the Sakamaki's mansion.

I could imagine how embarrassing and weak I looked right now and I hated it.

After awhile I finally finished dusting the walls for this room and now made my way to another room where I saw Shu lazily sleeping on the sofa.

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