The Right One 🔞

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A super long one today. Making up for all the unfinished stories and one shots.

I missed my loves and obviously the boys. Especially Krist 🥺

Happy reading


I watched him with a frown, he was meant to be here with me but instead here I was, standing by myself as he mingled with people who worked in his office. My heart broke, watching him smile at one girl in particular who kept shooting glances in my direction.

Looking down at myself I felt so out of place. Whilst the others were dressed in beautiful elegant dresses and suites that looked like they cost a fortune I stood in a little black number I picked up from the sales rack. John had demanded that I stopped working a few years ago due to earning more money than him.

He said he was more capable to provide for the family. I was stupid and naive enough to pack my job in. Now, I am at home, cleaning and cooking. Waiting for him to come back from work like a pathetic man I had turned into.

"Why are you over here by yourself?"

I turned to see Kongpob standing behind me as my heart leaped within my chest. He was John's boss who always took time to speak to me at these events.

I looked over at John, I couldn't exactly say I had been abandoned without looking pathetic.

"Oh, I just needed to get away from everyone."

"I know the feeling," he sighed as my legs trembled shamefully beneath me.

Despite the number of times I had spoken to him I still couldn't understand why he bothered talking to me. There were plenty of people standing around without anyone by their side yet he came to the poorest in the room who couldn't afford the luxuries the others had.

I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. Over the years with John, my confidence had taken a massive impact. I was no longer the fiesty 21 year old I used to be. I watched John laugh with his colleagues as my anger spiked.

Why bother to bring me if he was going to leave me off at the side like he was ashamed of me?

Kongpob took a hold of my hand as I stilled in surprise, he examined the small ring before raising his eyebrow at me.

"Well, that's new." I bit my lip, I didn't even want to be engaged.

Our relationship had been horrible for a few years but I couldn't find it in myself to leave.

"Yeah," I mumbled, pulling my hand out of his as a blush rose along my cheeks.

"You know," he placed his hand on my hip as a shudder shot down my spine.

"You should be with a man who treats you right."

Embarrassment, it was all I felt as I looked at the floor. Of course, I was a laughing stalk in his work. Who took their partner to events and then left him alone at every single one of them?

"I'm going to head home," I told him softly as I began to walk away from him in shame.

His hand wrapped around my wrist before I could get far as I turned to look at him, towering over me as I held the tears back. I didn't want to be here anymore, I could feel the scrutinizing eyes on me all night and listening to Kongpob seemed to be too much for me.

"I'm sorry if I offended you," he spoke sincerely as I smiled softly at him.

I gently pulled my wrist out of his grip, "I'll see you around."

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