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"Do you think that they'll be born with powers or not." I ask Levi "I don't know." He says "how hold is the right age to tell them about sex?" "Y/n.." "what do you think they're power would be if so." "I-" "what happend if they get sick" "what happens if they get hurt. I can't let them get hurt I-" "love." Levi says placing his hands on my cheeks "it's gonna be fine I've told you so many times "I don't think I'm gonna have my party Nope nope nope I'm too worried and it can't..." "hey." He says I look up at him "tomarrow we're getting married we have time to worry about whether or not the baby with mutants or not...what powers or not and when the damn birds and the bees talk is a thing." He says i giggle "but I-" "have fun with your friends live before we end up knee deep diapers, bed time stories, and toys." He says I nod "your right okay.." I say I stop and look up at him and smirk "what?" "You know.....your dad type of mind set is kind of sexy." I say "y/n." "I'm serious.." I say using my powers to wrap a vine around us both chasing it to push us together "this is unfair." "Unfair but needed." I say he chuckles kissing me I kiss him back the door bell goes off I release us "have fun." He says I groan I go over opening it seeing Mikassa and Hanji "YAAAY!" Hanji yells "yes! finnaly the day has come the worry's are forgotten and you bed belive that when you finish your vows you too say I DO!!" She says and laughs "yay marriage" Mikassa says "YOUR STUFF IS AT THE HOTEL AND WERE READY TO BACHELORETTEPARTY!" Hanji laughs and blues and party horn thing"I don't know if I'm gonna have a party" I say "y/n go." "But you'll-." "I'm gonna sit here and watch hellstrke series that's my bachelor party" Levi says wrapping his arms around me i sigh "we're in the car." Mikassa says "YEAH I GOT A LIMO" Hanji says "WHOO!" I sigh I turn around to him "are you sure you'll be okay" I say "yes..." he groans "Levi." I say he pulls me in kissing him I kiss him back "I love you now go dance with you light up sketchers." He says i giggle "I love you too. I'll see you tomarrow" I say "bye." He says and pecks my lips and bends down and lifts my shift kissing my stomach "bye" he says to the thing inside I smile he stands turns me around "go" he says I nod and walk out
I get into the car as and sit it drives off here's to getting married!" Hanji says handing us glasses with champagne "yay" we all says they drink it I put it to the side and grab an apple juice that is there "ah-hey it's a bachelorette party your supposed to get kinda drunk" Mikassa says "I can't drink sorry" I say "what?! Ptff yes you can levis not here to tell you no." "No no I mean I can't." I say placing my arms around my waist "wait..." Hanji says "are you pregnant." Mikassa says "yeah." I say "what! AHH!" They both hug me I laugh

I sit on the couch upside down watching hellstrike series again I sigh and pause it this really sucks with out y/n here maybe she should've stayed....the door bell goes off "oh fuck I swear kenny ..." I say and get up I walk over to it and open the door seeing Steven y/n boss "what" I say "h-hey y/n sent me she didn't want you to be alone a-also he's been out here for like 15 minutes." He says eren looks through "hey corporal." He says "fuck no." I say and begin to close the door "I brought hell strike 6,7 and 8" Steven says I stop and open it "y/n said you were a huge fan and I love it to so..." "fine come in." I say he walks in eren begins I put my hand on his chest stopping him lousy Becuase your best man dosnt mean..." "I brought cans." He says "I don't drink alcohol." "I know....it's root beer." He says and walks In anyway I sigh "I also orders pizza so it's on it's way." Steven says "wow Levi your house is Amazing..um why do you have so many plants...." Eren asks "it's y/ns thing she love plants." "Yeah I know she's the one who suggested the blue roses out side the shop." "Really those are so nice" Eren says "I know." Steven kneels down to put the movie in "no." I say "what?" "Let's watch it in the movie room "you have a movie room "Sick!" Eren says "shut up." I say "yes sir." He says following me to the other room

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