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Time skip few months later


I sit in the mess hall nect to hanji "she told me to pick my grooms men." i say "well yeah duh." hanji says "i dont like anyone enough for that" "what about eren." She say "not eren.." "you didnt say no to erwin ah he could be your best man!." She says "yeah yeah." i say "who dis she pick for her brides maids." hanji asks "i dont know i think they are people form work." i say "oh" sits next to me "w hat are you talking about?" Mikasa asks " levi and y/n wedding." Hanji says "Ah" "3weeks . the spring." I say "Hmm" "ask eren." She stays "no!" "Yes" "no" "Yes now!" I groan and get up going over to the doofus "Eren!" I say "yes sir." I sigh "do you...wanna come...but like more important." i say "what?" "levi wants you to be his bestman. For his wedding" hanjis says "yeah that." i say sipping my tea "sure thanks." he says "okay." i say and walk off.


i set little cakes in the show case in the shop "its nice to have you back y/n" steven says i nod and smile to him "hey y/n can you help me really quickly i dont know how to really use the register" mykayla says i giggle "of course" i stand going over to it "this is a 16 oz so they pay for the size not the actual drink so its based off the cup size of the chai tea....." i look up seeing my very handsome man ive taken "hello again." he says smirking "hi." i say and smile "i got it kay ill teach you after go and make the drink" i say she nods and walks off "i chose my best man actually." he says "oh." I say "Eren." he says i giggle "that was pity." i say he chuckles and nods "yes" he says "get out of line your holding it up again." i say "seems like a regular thing for me huh." he says i pull him in and kiss him he kisses me back we pull away "ill see you at home love." he says i smile and nod he walks off "can i get one of those too." a guy says walking up to me i scoff and roll my eyes.

i sit on my bed making my wedding book folder. going over it as the animals chill casper jumps off the bed running out a few seconds later levi walks in "hey." i say "hi" i say paying attention to my book "i think the wedding photographer is supposed to do that." he says "yeah so i can just give them an outline." i say "love calm down.....you still need to get your dress." he says i look up in a panic "I havent evene done that i forgot." i say "do it tomarrow." he says lifting my chin and kissing me he pulls away and closes the book moving the stuff off the bed "levi." i say "hm" he says leaing closer to me "im not getting pregnant before my wedding." I say "we can always use something." he says and presses his lips against mine we pull away as he moves down my neck "levi i dont.." i gasp feeling his hands under my shirt "maybe once." i say as our lips connect again

i lay on my fiances chest "i said maybe once not 3 times." i say he chuckles "yeah well atleast you love it." "yeah...becuase i love you." i say "ew gross." he says i giggle "i love you too." he says i smile he moves my hair behind my ear "I can't wait to marry you." He says i smile "I'm gonna be y/n akerman." I say he smiles and kisses me I giggle kissing him back

"I don't know about this one." I say wearing a dress that mikasa picked out "oh come on it's perfect." She says "it's fucking ugly." Hanji says says "yeah." I say we laugh "alright try mine on." Hanji says I walk down

"WHAO WHAO WHAO!" Mikasa says as I come out in a revealing dress "no." I say "yes.! This is the dress for Levi!" "And the random men walking by." Mikassa says looking out the window wall who wolf whistled and blow kisses "oh my god." I say "you've tried on so many dresses" Hanji says "I'm going to choose." I say and walk off

"Oh my god!" Hanji says "that's it" mikassa says I smile "I love this one." I say I look at them Hanji starts to cry "oh Hanji." I say "you look so beautiful" she says I laugh

I walk into the home as Casper comes to me I greet him "love." Levi says kissing me "hi" I kiss him back we pull away "did you find one." He says i nod "I tired on 17 before." I say "geez." He says i nod and walk into the living room I stop and gasp when I see something beautiful something rare "Levi..." I say "early wedding gift from me." He says "Juliet roses." I say he nods "Levi no." "Do you not like them I thought they were your favorite." "No they are but...how did you get them they are rare and extremely expensive and-" I go up to it "perks of being in a force love." He says I touch the soft petals "they're beautiful...." I hug him "thank you!" "Your welcome." He says we pull away I pick them up and go to the green house out side

Nosey neighbor (Levi x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant