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Time skip

I walk up the stairs to my apartment hauling a miniature ivory silk lilac tree I pant and haul it up one more step only to trip and fall backwards I feel arms grab me keeping me form falling all the way I look up seeing my boyfriend Levi Ackerman I smile "hi." I say "hi" he replies "a tree?" He say I nods "my orchid died of old age." I say "oh um sorry about that? Plants die of age?." He says I get up "it's fine and yes most plants do they stop evolving to thier climate after years so they just of well old age." I say "did you haul this all the way up here" he says I nod "there's an elevator" he says I look over "FOR THE LOVE OF- UGHH" "here." He easily picks out the tree "thanks don't you have stuff to do." I say "no Erwin is leading a practice mission" he says "oh that's right your leaving soon" I say and open my apartment door "yeah but don't worry I'll be back before you know it" he says placing the tree down and walking back over to me "I know but..." "don't be worried it's just a patrol anyway." He says "I-I know but-" he pulls me into a hug "I'll be fine." He says I look up at him "trust me." He says i nod he kisses me I kiss him back "don't do anything stupid" I say when we pull away "I can't promise that" he says "alright come on." He says and picks me up I wrap my legs around him "we are watching hells strike 3" he says "oh no." I say "mmhmm" he says i burry my head into his neck "don't worry you'll be fine" he says

I I finish taking someone's order "so! You me a cheesy cabin vacation for a few days." Levi says "can I take your order." I say "you already know it." He says I giggle "so." He says "I can't." "Yes you can." "My plants and my job are here." I say "so am I and I can be taken anywhere." He says "excuse me you holding g up the line." A guy behind him says "shut the fuck up I'm busy." Levi responds "Levi.." I say "so....hey I just want to spend time with you before I have to leave." He says "Now you guilt tripping me." I say he leans into me "babe...baby....princess....my love....Darling...sugar" "fine fine We can go but only if you stop with stupid nicknames" I say he nods and pecks my lips "thank you" he says "OI you holding up the line mister!!" Levi sighs and turns around grabbing the guy towering over him "I'm taking to someone very important to me becfore I have to lead the brats who call them wings of freedom scouts on a patrol so either back the Fuck! Up or shut the fuck up." "Levi." I say holding his arm "s-sorry. Corporal thank you for your service." The man says saluting Levi take his hand And corrects the mans salute "it's like this uneducated bastard." He says the man he turn back to me kissing my cheek "I'll see you at home he says grabbing his drink and walking off I roll my eyes "you dating the corporal of wings of freedom" he says "yeah what would you like to drink?"

I walk up to my apartment hearing loud blaring music i sigh and walk up to levis door I open it "DO YOU STILL HAVE TO PLAY THAT SO LOUD!!" I try to yell over the music I look over to see my boyfriend In his hottest form No shirt with basket ball short on he looks over and stop punching the bag and goes over his phone turning it down on the Bluetooth speaker "hey." He says "hello." I say "stop staring" he says and kisses my cheek "s-sorry." i say and begin to walk off "where are you going." he says "i-i just came in to tell you to turn it down." i say "yeah dosnt mean you cant stay" "oh..." i say turning back "well i have to pack anyway" i say "mmhm." he says crossing his arms i feel my face burn "yeah so im just gonna um ah-" i trip over side table catching myself "right yeah um." i walk out closing the door behind me i take a breath and walk to my apartment

i zip up my bag i walk into my living room placing my bag on the couch and going over to my plants watering them i hum as i do i reach up to water im too short i grab my step stool and water the top ones theres a knock "its open levi." i say the door opens "you ready." he says "almostim watering my plants." i say "ah." he says clsoing the door "by the time we get there itll be snowing." he says "cool! that means we can make snow men and snow angels....my mom told me this story once about a snow man and a snow angel one winter when i was sick" i say and climb down "okay." he says sitting on the arm of the couch "you want me to tell you?" i ask he nods "why not your family tells the wriedst stories" he say i giggle and nod he takes my hand pulling me to him wrapping his arm around my waist "well." he says i sigh looking at him "once upon a time there was a snowman and a snow angel who came to like with winter magic." he scoffs "do you want to hear it or not." i say he sighs and nods back "they came to life with winter magic...the snowman made improperly by a child saw how beautiful and wonderful the snow angel was and fell in love with her but never talked to her for he was afraid that she would turn away from his uglyness but one day he built up courage and said hello the angel smiled saying it back...all winter they played and laughed and talked they fell in love with one another and were inseperable for all of the snowy icey winters but then spring came with her flowers and sunsine warmth the snowman woke up one day to find his love gone in her place a white snow bell in the grass there was little snow left the snow man became sad filled with emotion he would never see his love again with that solem thought he closed his eyes and spring took him too...then he opened his eyes to find winter back in place remebering what spring had taken from him still saddend and and hurt until he saw her his snow angel and in her hand was the snow bell flower and at that moment they both knew that no matter what season came between them theywould always fin theyre way back to each other." i say and finish "the end." I say he chuckles "you mom had an an amazing imaganation." he says and get up "which she obvisouly passed to you." he says kissing me i kiss him back we pull away "but di dyou like the story." i say looking at him "yeah..i did." he says i smile "okay come on little snow angel." he says taking my hand i laugh grabbingmy stuff

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