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i open my eyes as my vision is blurry i feel something in my hand i look over and down i lift my hand up as my vision slightly clears i see its the kep chain with the key "y/n..." i say "levi!" i hear look over and see hanji i sit up and grunt in pain she hugs me lightly "what do you want" i say "youve been out for weeks everyone thought you were gonna die you were under that ice in the ake for 15 minutes" she says "what?" i say "dont you remeber you exposed the female titan then she pulled you under the water in a lake." she says "ah...i do part of that how long have i been out wheres y/n" i say "youve been out for weeks and i havent talked to her" she says i get up "wait be carful levi." she says i groan "i-im fine." i say "wait...b-before you look in the mirror you should know...." "move four eyes." i say pushing her to the side i go to the mirror and stop my vision clears fully as i see a bandage of the side of my face overing my right eye to my lips "what the hell is this." i say she walks over standing in front of me and slowly takes it off i flinch in pain "sorry" she removes it and nods she moves out of the way again i stop my right eyes vision is blurred and it wont go away this time "hanji..." i say "at least its leaving a cool scar." she says i scoff "y/n....what will y/n think of me i look like the phantom of the opera!" I yell hitting my hand on the desk "l-levi..." she says "Im FUCKING UGLY WHY DIDNT YOU DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" I yell at her "i- i couldnt there was too much blood so i couldnt see how to fix it" she says i punch the mirror it shatters "HANJI" "LEVI!" i hear i look over seeing my sister "its just a few scars." she says i huff and pace around "levi....." she says "What!" "erwins dead." she says i stop paceing and look at her "what." i say she nods "he couldnt do his over all best with his arm gone but he saved four cadets" she says i nod "did you talk to the press about this" i say "yes we did yesterday..." hanji says i nod "levi you should go home y/n hasnt heard anything about whats going on and im certain that shes terrifyed of the choices that could happen to you." she says i look down at the chain "n-no not yet" i say "levi" mikasa says "how am i supposed to go back when i look like mother fucking scar from the god damned lion king!" i say "LEVI AKERMAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP THE LOVE OF YOU LIFE IS CRYING OVER YOU THINKING YOURE DEAD SHES WORRIED AND SCARED IT IS ALMOST CHIRSTMAS AND I BET YOU MORE AND THAN ANYTHING THAT SHE WANTS TO SEE YOU SORRY ASS HOME FOR IT SO SUCH UP YOU BULLSHIT PACK YOU THINGS AND GO HOME" mikasa yells at me i shut up "okay" she says i nod "okay." i begin to walk out "sorry fo yelling at you four eyes." i say "its alright your scared and hurt." she says i nod "ill pack up my things and go cry tomarrow" i say and walk out


"y/n" i look over seeing maryjane "oh hi merry christmas eve" i say "wh-where ameile." i say "her son has died in the mission shes mornig im here to pick up our food and bring it to her." she says "oh my im so sorry tell her im sorry." i say "i will thank you....but um h-how are you deailing with you loss." she says i pack up the small cake "i dont know i havent heard anything yet" i say "oh well im sure my the grace of god your love will come back to you im certain of it." she says i smile beliving her because everything else shes said is true. "have a good day and tell ameile i said hi" i say "oh i will you too." she says i smile as she walks out
i wipe down the tables and place everything down "y/n" i hear steven. i turn "im sorry for coming onto you like that i know your with levi and your faithful to him hes lucky to have a girlfriend like you." he says "thats alright and thank you." i say i grab my bag "ill see you later merry christmas." i say and grab my bag and walk out

i make cookies in my apartment as casper watches me begging i hear a door open and close i look back and run to my door and open it and look over at levis door but noting its just the guy across from us "oh hey y/n" he says "hey reggie." i say "merrychristmas." he says "merry christmas." he says and walks away down the stairs casper barks and runs to the door as im about to close it he pushes me back and runs out "CASPER" i yell for him "no come back." I say i run after him down the hall the opposite way "CAS-" i stop at the elevator to see him on a knee petting the dog he got for mecasper jumps on him and licks his face i feel tears running down my cheek "l-levi...." i say he looks up i gasp as i see a long scar running down from his eyebrow to his lip on his right ride and a few small ones on his left side on his cheek "m-merry christmas." he says

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