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i get out of the car and walk up to the cabin house with casper on his leash i go to the stables and open the doors seeing arnold "hello y/n" he says "hi new horses?" i say "yes um one ran in yesterday i think you should see who it is." he says and moves to the side i walk up the the stable as he takes caspers leash i see balem "Balem!" i say and walk in he huff is pain and joy to see me as i see a banage around his torso and leg "we were going to have him put down yesterday if he couldnt survie the night but here he his so thats why i called you." he says i pet him "w-wait wasnt he with levi....he ran all the way back here" i say arnold nod "um he hand this with him." he says handing me a peice of cloth it half of a wings of freedom patch from levis uniform i take it and look at arnold "have you heard from his squad." I say "no not yet theres nothing on the new either." he says "its was supposed to be a patrol....he hasnt come back in a month." i say "i know im sorry." "what if hes-" "No no dont think like that levi is strong when he has something worth staying for he stays." he says putting his hand on my shoulder i nod and look back at balem

i sit on a rock by the frozen water fall with casper he places is head in my lap hes alot bigger now i look at him and nod "I know buddy." i say and pet him i sigh and go over all the memories i had with levi from when we first met up until the last i saw of him i rember the movie nights and all nighters the kisses and hugs the way he talked to other people then turned to me and smiled our first time.....i wipe off a tear from my cheek hes okay hes gonna be okay "come on." i say getting up casper follows i stop and look back at the falls and walk down to the house again.

i walk to my apartment door and stop when i see levis door i take out my key to his door and unlock it walking in "l-levi?" i call just in case hes here which hes not i sigh and close the door casper jumps on the couch laying down i run my hand along the punching back i stop and look at it i sigh and take the bandaged wrapping them like he showed me and i turn on music and begin to punch the bag

i puch it over and over i notice that knockles begin to bleed stop paintng i begin to cry i fall to my knees sobbing capser comes over comforting me i cry i just want him back i sob

i lay in my bed still thinking of all the possiblities that coulve happend for the most part i try not to think about it but i cant help it casper sleeps at the end of the bed i turn over seeing the picture of levi and i on my side table i stare at it i turn on my back and look up at my ceiling "hey so i dont know if anytting is there listening but i-....i really want him back please....i love him and i dont want anything to happen to him so...i-if you could give him back to me. please just let him live another day i just want to know hes okay i want him back....please...thanks" i say i turn back over closing my eyes as sleep then takes me away

i get up and get dressed i walk out of my apartment with my stuff
i walk into work "goodmorning" my boss says "hi" i say and begin work.
i stnad on a step stool decorationg the shop for christmas sicne its in a few days "i love that." i look down seeing my boss steven "thanks" i says "y/n..." he says "are you doing anything for christmas eve" he says "um i dont think so im going to make cookies watch movies and go to bed thats pretty much it." i say "oh...well neither am i um i was wondering." he says i step down "uh huh." i say "w-would you like to spend it together." he says "i mean we are i have work that day until 5." i say "y-yeah i know but like...at my house or your place you know like..." "i-icant im sorry" "why" he asks "i have a boyfrined steven and y-your my boss i love levi." i say "but he might be dead." he says "yes he could be but...nothing will ever stop me from loving him not if loses a limb or the fact that he couldnt walk of his short temper." i say and begin to walk off "w-what its i-i said that i would fire you if we didnt spend it together." he says "to bad then i guess ill be fired ill find another job." i say he huffs i stop as i see the tv "s-steven." i say "what." "can you turn that up" i say "Here you do it." he say handing me the remote "the wings of freedom troops have come back from a misson after a month scout commander hanji says this." the news guy says and a clip of hanji saying something next to mikassa levis sister but no levi or erwin "i want to apologize firat and formost for the loss of your friends family and children what went on in the forset has been fought to its most every scout that died has been commemerated with a seal plack. we lost one of our own leading officers he was a great man and an even better colligue his strength and guidence helped us" please dont be levi "one of humanitys strongest...erwin smith.." i letout a breath of relif "erwin smith was the commander of this squad and fought his fight to the fullest power. the troops who have survied but injured will be sent home and given full pardon and thier names will be put on the plack as well we will have full cermony for the lost january 8 thank you" she says reporters being to ask questions what about levi where is he "the ceremony is free for friends family and anyone who would likek mourn the departure of the fallen soulider but lets have a moment to rember those." the reporter says and a slide show of the people in the scouts who died my heart stops as i see her petra inher uniform saluting and smileing "steven." i say he looks up at the tv seeing her "oh my god." he says it changes and continues to go through everyone

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