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I carry my boxes up the stair case looking for my room 104 104 Ah there it is." I set it down along with all the other boxes I unlock the door opening it to my new home I sigh

I unpack all my things when there's knock at my door I get up and go over to it and open it only for a box to get shoved in my face "here that's yours some fuck up movers brought it to mine." A low husky voice says I look too the side to a tall man pale clean skin his hair black and strands fall down the front of his face hard blue eyes stare back at me "oh I'm thank you." I say "don't let it happen again." He says "rude" I say and close my door

I decorate my room when I hear loud blaring music I sigh "damn one of those neighbors" I say continue until the music really starts to annoy me okay okay I live here too and I can't take this i hop off from my bed and walk out of my room to the door of my place and walk out and knock on the door it opens "what!" He says his shirt is off he has bandages on his hands I glare over seeing a punching bag his body is wet with sweat and amazing and muscles "C-can you turn down your music." I say he leans against the door frame "listen here if you don't like it move away." He says "is that what you told everyone else." I say "it worked didn't it how do you think you got that one" he says glaring at me "listen here asshole I'm staying whether you like it or not" "if your staying why are you at my door brat." He says I scoff and turn to walk off I stop and turn around the door slams shut i march back to my apartment

I get up and stretch I get up and undress putting on my robe and walking to the shower i turn on the ewater letting it heat up when it does i step in
i dry off my hair and brush it out i put on a bit of make up and get dressed and walk out i grab my stuff and open my door i lock it i hear a door close and i look over to see my ass hole of a neighbor close and lock his door he wears some sort of jacket with a large symbol of wings on the back ive seen that somewhere "what are you staring at brat." he says walking passed me i sigh he walks off so do i.

i walk into the place ive worked for 2 years "good moring y/n" i hear my friend petra say "hi

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i walk into the place ive worked for 2 years "good moring y/n" i hear my friend petra say "hi." i say and go behind the counter to the back room puting on my uniform "he switch with petra shes on barista for a few hours." i look over to see my boss steven i sigh and nod and go up to the counter organizing the orders on the screen of the regester "hi what you like too...." i stop and see him my next door neighbor "oh..." "oh..." we both say uneventfully "why do you work here." he says "why do you come here." i say "because i can you dunce." he says "then so can i....what do you want." i say "iced chai 16 ounce." he says "name." i ask he scoffs and isghs "levi." he says ah so thats the assholes name. "okay itll be up." i say
i walk up to edna who comes in every tuesday handing her her cup of tea and blueberry muffin "oh your such a dear you need to take a day off." she says "trust if i could i would but i love my job." i say she smiles "OH there she is." i hear and turn to see maryjane and amelie who burst in with curlers in theyre hair half ready for the day i smile "ill get you your orders ladies." i say petra hands me what they order as they sit down i bring it too them "how are we today." i say "oh my my fine absoulty and you.." "well i moved into a new place and my naeighbor is a bit of a pain." i say "oh well ill give her a peice of my mind." amelie says "He...and he is there." i say glancing over at levi who sits byhimself "ohh hes handosme..." she says "and the corprol of the wings of freedom hes on every news channel latley." maryjane says "wings of freedom thats where i saw that yeah well hes as hard a rock." i say and groan "he may be hard but for good reason i bet a kind oung girl can soften him up" she says i smile "i doubt it..but i can try." i say they smile

Nosey neighbor (Levi x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora