5~500 Years of Winter (Pizza Song)

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Michael wants another slice
Michael wants another slice
Michael wants another slice

"This is where you live?" Ashton asks. The two of them had finally organised a catch up after a few days of texting.

"Yeah," Michael nods. "Just me and my mum and my d-"

Michael paused and looked at Ashton, obviously cautious to mention his father. Almost everyone knew what had happened to Ashton's. Unfortunately, most people make fun of him for it.

Ashton rolled his eyes slightly.

"I need to use your bathroom." Ashton mumbles softly.

Michael nods. "Just down the hall, second door to the left."

Ashton nods and walks off.

Michael sighs and leans against the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with your hair?"

"Your laugh is annoying."

"You're fucking gay with Calum."

"You can't even play well."

"Don't even try."




"No wonder your dad left."

Before Michael had even realised it, he was sitting on the floor against the wall, his knees tucked up to his chest. He couldn't believe he'd been so mean to Ashton. He's a good guy.

Michael let a few stray tears slip down his face.

"Why are you crying?" Ashton mumbled softly, kneeling down in front of Michael.

He's such a good guy.

"Are you alright?"

Michael was full on crying now, his face shoved firmly in his knees.


Ashton softly placed a hand on Michael's shaking body.

"Michael.. Please talk to me."

Michael glances up at Ashton with red puffy eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Michael whispers.

"Sorry?" Ashton questions.

"Everyone at school. We're all dicks to you. There's no reason to, I-" Michael stutters. "I'm sorry."

Ashton said nothing but instead chose to hug Michael. Michael gasped quietly, before leaning into the hug. It felt nice, actually. Neither of them got hugged often enough. Ashton only got hugged by his mum and Calum used to hug him often, but had backed away recently. Michael got hugged by both his parents but not often.

Michael sighed and closed his eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Michael mumbled.

Ashton hugged Michael tighter.

Despite Michael's continuous sobs, Ashton was able to momentarily forget about everything. Forget about his dad, forget about the bullying, forget about Luke, forget about all his problems. In that moment, all Ashton could think about was Michael's warm embrace. His soft hair tickling his cheeks, his soft hands slightly covering his, his slow breathing, whatever conditioner he used, whatever cologne he used. Ashton didn't know how to express it, but for the first time in years, Ashton didn't feel guilty, depressed, alone, confused or upset. He felt happy.
Michael sniffed and pulled away.

"You alright now?" Ashton asked.

Michael nodded.

"Hey, you feel like pizza?" Michael grinned.

A wide grin spread across Ashton's face.

"My favourite."

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