Alastor 💗 Little fawn

Start from the beginning

You groaned, saying goodbye to your dreams of a normal sleep schedule. The elevator dinged as the doors opened, the hallway feeling more eerie then usual. He reached behind him and pulled out his microphone, tapping it on the ground as he held you with one hand. It's red glow got brighter, illuminating the space in front of him as he walked.

You waited as he got to his door, setting you down. You sighed, relieved, and folded the blanket in your arms. "Alright, care to explain what you mean by proving yourself? It's too late for this." You yawned. "Don't worry about it darling, time is merely a concept." He grinned, opening the door for you. "Not when you spend the whole day working." you caught a glimpse of his face, seeing his expression. It was hopeful, but he still seemed a bit worried.

You walked inside and shook your head, running a hand through your hair. As delicate as he was with you compared to everyone else, you really couldn't understand him. I mean, it was almost silly of you to try. A former serial killer, not to mention cannibal. All you could do was hope he was serious about this.

He shut the door and walked over to his desk, shuffling through some papers. You looked around his room, seeing it was extremely catered to his time. It was classy to say the least, and you let yourself get lost in the details. "Your room is very... you." You mumbled, smiling. He glanced over and smiled, seeing your face. "Well I'm glad you think so, darling. Assuming that it's a good thing." He returned to his search as you looked further.

There was a framed photograph, black and white of course, sitting on one of the shelves. You looked closer and noticed it was him, a shotgun in his hand along with a large buck. Your ears flattened and you shivered. You walked away, uninterested in looking further.

"Ah ha! Come here darling." You walked over, a weird feeling coming over you. The man in the picture scared you more than the all powerful demon in front of you, who could certainly crush you if he desired. Still, you stepped behind him, peering out like a small child. He laughed. "There's nothing to be afraid of (Y/n). Look." He took your hand and held something out to you with the other.

You took it, narrowing your eyes. It was a flip book. You momentarily let go of his hand, flipping through the tiny pages. It was a deer, running across the page. You didn't quite understand, until suddenly the deer became a man. He was dressed in a suit, running through the woods. He stumbled, falling into the brush, but before he could get up-

You shut the book and handed it to him. "I don't want this." You looked up at him, nervous. "Do you trust me?" He asked. You looked down, thinking. "Well, you've given me a lot of reasons not to, you know." He nodded. "But do you?" You paused. "I do." He sat down at the desk in a red plush chair, showing you the rest of the story, a small smile on his face.

You still seemed wary, so he took your hand again. The book continued, a cartoon-ish bang coming up on the paper. Suddenly there were police cars and detectives, none of them seeming to care about the dead man in front of them. It was almost like they were celebrating, and you quickly figured out why.

The hunt was over.

You shivered, turning to see Alastor's expression. However he was more focused on you. Suddenly names popped up on the pages, going by too fast for you to read them all. "Those are the girls." You stated, biting your lip. He nodded. At the end of the book, there was a memo. It was scribbled quickly, as if the artist ran out of time. All it said was 'Sorry.'

You took the book from him, turning it over. The back had 'The End' in cursive writing, and the front had printed letters spelling, 'Hunting the Hunter.' You set it on the desk, giving him your attention. "Did you make this?" You asked. He shook his head. "It was in my pocket when I got here. I only wrote the last few words." He stated.

"So you were sorry." He laughed. "Well, I don't think I'd be here if I truly was." He gestured, grinning. You shook your head quickly. "You're still sorry." You mumbled, realization hitting you. He didn't say anything, simply shoving the book back into the bottom drawer.

He started to get up, and you panicked. You watched him stand and dust himself off, sighing. "Well, that was deep, but now you know." You nodded. "You did what you said you'd do." He raised an eyebrow at you. "Oh?" You looked down at your feet. "I'm sorry for questioning you, I was..." "Scared?" You looked up at him, giving him a sheepish smile. "But you're not scary. You're..." you paused.

He waited expectantly, a confused expression on his face. You smiled, taking his hands and standing on your tip toes. You kissing his cheek, pulling away quickly. "You're the one I like." He blushed immediately, making you laugh. "See, I'm sorry, but why would I constantly be around you if I didn't like you?" You smiled. He scratched his cheek. "You don't have to say that (Y/n), I know all about my reputation here."

You shrugged. "Yes, well now I know you. And you wouldn't be helping Charlie or being so nice to me if you had bad intent." He narrowed his eyes, looking down at your bright ones. "You're telling the truth?" You nodded, cheeks heating up. "Well, now it's a bit embarrassing." He grinned.

He bent down, smiling, as he placed a kiss on your lips, much more drawn out then the one you had given him. Your face heated up immediately and your eyes widened. You eventually shut them, still a bit in shock. He pulled away slowly, laughing at your surprised expression.

"Well, let's get you back to your room." You nodded slowly as he offered you his hand. You looked down and took it. "Y-Yeah. Thanks." He squeezed your hand, making you look up at him. He smirked. "Don't forget this, darling. I want to do that more often~."

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