"Good morning again to the both of you." Lauren interrupted our chat and stepped in the kitchen fully clothed that doesn't show her morning boner. "Sorry about that, Ariana. But I'm Lauren Jauregui at your service."

Lauren extended her arms to Ariana formally greeting her. Ariana on the other side was giggling and accepted her hand, shaking it and she replied, "Ariana Grande."

"Honey, I know." Lauren said and she turned around to make her own breakfast. "Y/N didn't told me that we'll had a visitor today."

"I stayed the night unintentionally." Ariana replied.

Lauren showed me her famous smirked and said, "Oh, I see. That's why I heard some knocking shit on the other side of the wall last night."

"Lauren." I warned her and laughing at her foul mouth. For me, it's okay but I don't think Ariana will be comfortable with Lauren teasing her.

Lauren chuckled and ate her sandwich, "What?"

Ariana was smiling through our conversation, didn't show any annoyance at my cousin.

"Anyways, welcome to our apartment. Sorry about the mess, we usually don't have visitors here. It's just me and Y/N." Lauren spoke up comfortably.

"It's fine. I like it in here, it's so warm." Ariana simply replied. "Anyways, how are you an Jauregui and you a Y/LN?" She added pointing her finger to the both of us.

"Because my dad married my mom." I replied simply.

"So your mothers are sisters?"

Lauren nodded her as I hummed, "Exactly."

We shared some random conversation with all the silliness and teasing. Ariana was comfortable with us, she was laughing and smiling the whole time like she's with us for a long time. She didn't even show some negative statement and just go with the flow with our conversation. Lauren on the other side created much topic about music, which got Ariana more interested in talking to her. My cousin loves to write and Ariana is a writer, something sparked between them and it causes great bond.

Ariana phone vibrated in the middle of their conversation, "Sorry, I have to get this."

Me and Lauren nodded before she stood up and picked it up.

"Good morning, Scott. What is it?" We heard and she walked up to my bedroom to have a private conversation on her phone.

"Someone had a great night." Lauren smirked as she washed the dishes. I love how my cousin know me so well.

I grinned like a kid and sat the counter. Staying in silence guilty.

I was unforgettable. From the kiss to the intense staring to sex, it was fucking awesome and I wish it didn't end. I want more of that and I want more than that.

"Someone's guilty. Where'd you two go?" Lauren asked, standing beside me.

"Some bar and got some drinks. She picked me up at the shop." I replied.

Lauren clicked her tongue and shook her head, raising her hand like she's praising me, "You're unbelievable man. I wish I have your charm. You have that woman moaning in your arms last night."

"Hey! Stop it. She's not like any other girl." I said.

"I know. You're lucky she didn't freak out about you having it." Lauren pointed out to the point that we are different. Being intersex can freak out anyone.

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