Chapter 28 - Awake

Start from the beginning

"Hey! What's that ugly bitch doing here?" Lucas sneered and pointed directly at you.

"Excuse me?" You gaped. You didn't think that he'd say it so loudly. Did he have no shame?

Grace growled. "Lucas, that ugly bitch you just called is my friend. I'd appreciate if you don't call her that."

His personality did a 180 turn in a split second, his face becoming sweet. "Only for you, Gracie." He pecked her on the forehead. Still, Grace's mood has already gone bad because of him. She pushed him away, making her way towards Gabriel, who handed her her ticket.

"We'll be getting a ticket for Lucas. Go on without us." With that, Grace dragged her jerk of a boyfriend away from your group.

"Well," Melody spoke up first. "That was unexpected."

"Indeed. My disdain for him grows larger with every passing second." Gabriel scowled.

"Ugh, I don't even want to think about it," You groaned. "Let's just enjoy ourselves and ignore him."

Leon was in deep thought. 'This isn't safe. The world is safe enough for my beloved.' It must be a sign. An indicator that it was now time to take you. It was earlier than he thought, but it's time.

Meanwhile, Grace and Lucas were arguing over his first impression on the group. Everyone already had their own thoughts on him, but he just made it even worse by calling you an ugly bitch.

"I was hoping that you'd get along with my friends, Lucas! You don't just suddenly call people bitches!"

"Well, I'm sorry! But I still stand by what I say. She may not be ugly, but she's a bitch." Lucas argued.

"And where the fuck did you get that from? She hasn't done anything to you."

"It's because of her, me and my sister needed to attend detention sessions! That friend of yours ruined our perfect record. We didn't even do anything wrong!"

"And who is your sister?"

Lucas sighed. "Didn't you know? Her name is Annalise."

"...Annalise Bozzelli?"

"Yes! I'm surprised you didn't know. We share the same last names." Well... Grace still didn't see the resemblance.

"I thought Carter was your last name. And you have blonde hair, unlike Annalise."

"No, stupid. Carter is my middle name. The Bozzelli's adopted me. But that's not the point."

"What did you guys do?" Grace asked him, curious to why they got in trouble.

"It wasn't a big deal." Lucas uttered, shrugging. "We were just trying to talk to Leon, since he was pretty smart. We wanted to borrow his notes. It was at lunch, and your bitch of a friend came along and created a commotion. Then Ms. Rayes came and punished us for nothing."

"Borrow his notes? Now I remember. You were the group of people that broke Leon's laptop and blackmailed him to do all your assignments. That's bullshit! You and your sister deserved detention. I can't believe you were one of the people who thought of yourself superior to others." Grace furiously shouted at him. "Never mind the Disneyland date, you can leave right now."

Lucas took his girlfriend's hand and kept her from storming off.

"C'mon, I'm a changed man. Well, since Monika died, I've decided to lay off on those things. If you're there to guide me, Grace, I can be better than you imagine. So let's continue our date, shall we?"

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