Chapter 22 - Oops...?

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Planning to make my chapters a bit shorter because I don't really want a book that's 400- 500 pages long.

f/f = favourite food


What a slut lol cheer up lizzy, we r here for u

lmaooo she's so pathetic, stealing other people's men what a hoe

Haters gonna hate. At least you know that theyre worthless pieces of shit that don't deserve to be your friends!

I understand how you feel. People like that are absolutely disgusting.

She's just jealous cuz she isn't as successful as u. Liz, u r my queen <3

how did she get ur bf to cheat. like, shes so ugly haha

These were just a few of the comments directed to you. Leon had finally made a social media account to look through what Lizzy has been posting. He found out that not only did she ruin your reputation online with fake lies, she had also written subtle messages that led to biased opinions against you. That manipulative bitch.

It made him angry, thinking of how insecure you could've felt after reading these comments. How dare someone ruin your image!

'I think the world would be better without her...'

'Get rid of her then.'


'As soon as possible.'

With that single thought driving him, he started to refine his plan.

"Wow! It's so pretty! Thank you, Alec!" You opened a small box Alec gifted you. It was a . Encased in the ring were enchanting pink little flowers preserved in the resin. Small white balls of 'snow' made it seem all the more beautiful.

Grace and Melody were both revising for the physics test next period while Gabriel was finding a new book to read. You, Alec and Leon were in the cafeteria for once because the kitchen was serving your favourite food. You had checked the menu a few days prior so decided not to bring any lunch today.

"Right? I was passing through one of the shops when I saw it and I was like 'woah, that reminds me of Y/N' so I bought it." A preserved flower, trapped in a ring to admire... it was much safer than leaving the flower to grow and die, isn't it?

"How much did it cost?"

"Hmmm, around a hundred or more I guess? I don't remember." Your eyes widened.

"Dude, that's too much! You don't need to spend that much just because the ring reminded you of me."

Alec waved his hands dismissively. "It's seriously fine! Keep this a secret from the others, alright?"

"You're one of the best friends I've ever had," You beamed. Not only did Alec joke around with you, he bought you gift occasionally, listens to your troubles, and won't criticize you for every single thing you did, unlike Lizzy.

"Now try it on!" Alec took the box from you and quickly inserted it onto your ring finger on your right hand. It fit your finger perfectly. How did he know your ring size?

Alec smiled. Imagining doing this in a wedding was very delightful. When he marries you, he's gonna take you on the most luxurious honeymoon ever and make lots and lots of babies. Ryan, Eloise, Archer, Ariana - he's got at least 10 names prepared.

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