chapter four.

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the big empty ─── ( episode 4 )

     ROSE SAT CRISS-CROSS with Jack on his bed. A dark grey laptop in between them on the cream colored sheets. Rose suggested that Jack should watch a few movies and he had insisted that she watch them with him. After a marathon of all the Marvel movies, Rose wanted to watch a few of the Star Wars movies. The dark haired girl had even bribed Sam into driving out and buying them snacks.

A loud knock was heard from the door, pausing the movie, Jack called out, "Come in."

Sam slowly opened the door, and walked in. Sam eyed the computer, a laugh escaped his lips when he saw the two were watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Sam rolled his eyes jokingly and looked at Jack. "Clone Wars?"

"Yeah, Rose suggested it." Jack smiled, looking up at Sam. "Course she did." Sam smiled. "I do like Ahsoka. Kinda hate Anakin." Jack mumbled. "That's probably for the best." The youngest Winchester laughed lightly. "Never mind. You remember when I told you what we do? Our day job?" Sam questioned. "You kill monsters because you're the good guys." Jack repeated the words Rose had once told him.

"Right, right. And we've got a case, so... thought you two might want to come along." Sam suggested. "No." Jack stated flatly. Rose raised an eyebrow, her tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth as she waited for either one of the boys to talk.

"Jack, I really think this would be good for you. You know, maybe a change of scenery might-"

"Get my powers working again?"

"Yeah, maybe." Sam swallowed the lump in his throat. "So I can be your interdimensional can opener?" Jack scoffed.

There it was─ the reason why Rose even suggested the movie marathon. The night of the argument, when Rose walked back to her own room─ she saw Jack listening in. There wasn't much Rose could've said, being as he already heard it. Instead she thought taking his mind off things would be good.

"You're using me." Jack stated as his lips formed into a frown. "Jack when you were born, it ripped a hole in reality." Sam began to explain. "Sam." Rose looked up the older man, shaking her head. "Don't make excuses."

"Like a door from this world to another, to a really bad, bad place. So Dean, Rose, Cas, and I, we closed that door. But our Mom, Mary, she's trapped on the other side." Sam continued, ignoring Rose. "If we can get your powers back, maybe we can open that door up. Maybe..."

"You wanna save her." Jack whispered.

"Yeah, I do. But if this doesn't work, if that can't happen, that's okay, because I do care about you. But I should've told you. I'm sorry." Sam mumbled. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed in shame. "Dean can't even look at me. He wants to kill me." Jack looked up at Sam with a sad expression.

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