Chapter 12

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Sunlight was filtered by the hanging white clouds as they drove through Wisconsin, Dean in the driver's seat tapping along with whatever song was playing on the radio, Castiel in the passenger seat with his laptop open and propped on his knees, typing away furiously.  

"The sky's pretty today," Dean said after the tape stopped. "Really blue." 

"I noticed," Castiel smiled, still typing. Dean glanced over at him after switching lanes.  

"You okay, babe?" 

"Yeah." Castiel's voice suddenly went cold and Dean frowned.  

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, Dean." 

"Oo-kay. Don't hate me, but it seems like you're angry. Are you angry?" 

"No. Just concentrated."  

"I'll leave you alone, then." 

"You don't have to," Castiel sighed, one hand reaching out to run through Dean's hair. Dean found himself leaning into it slightly. "I'm neglecting you." 

"No way," Dean smiled over at Cas. "You should be writing. It's your job, baby, I've dragged you away from it." 

"If it makes you feel any better," Castiel's voice had a hint of a smile as he started typing again. "I based a character on you." 

"What?" Dean looked at him again. "You didn't." 

"I did. His name is Daniel." 

"Well, I look forward to hearing about what happens to this Daniel fellow." 

"He has a brother, too." 

"Just like me." 


"Hm. Last name?" 

Castiel smirked, an impish smile that made Dean rethink his question. "Wesson."  

"Weird names," Dean supplied with a glance at his companion. "D.W. and S.W." 


"And what are they doing in this story?" 

"Crossing the country, fighting monsters." 

"Monsters, huh?" 

"Searching for something, as well." 

"What is that something?" 

"Isn't someone inquisitive today?" 


"You'll find out later!" 

"Is that your way of saying you haven't decided yet?" 

"Shut up!" 

"I knew it!" 

"Shut up and go back to singing," Castiel laughed, smacking Dean's arm. "I need to write." 


"Are you done yet?"  

"No, Dean, go to sleep." 

"I can't with that tapping." 

Castiel rolled his eyes and grabbed the pillow from behind him, dropping it onto Dean's face. "I'll be done when the characters say I am." 

"Well," Dean said, voice muffled by the pillow, "this character says you are. Give me the laptop." 

"No!" Castiel jumped out of bed, laptop in his hands. Dean stared up at him, lips pursed.  

"Come on, baby, please?" 

"No! I'm not done with this chapter. I won't be able to sleep until I finish the chapter." 

Dean slid out of bed, arms crossed as he stared at Castiel. Castiel stared back with ferocity. "Give me the laptop, Castiel." 

"No. It's not finished! They're in the middle of an argument." 

"An argument? Why?" 

"Because they're not on good terms. Give me twenty more minutes." 

"You said that an hour ago." 

"And I'm still not done!" 


"No!" Dean stepped forward and Castiel stepped back. They continued that until Castiel got fed up with it and had a new idea. He pursed his lips and glared at Dean before walking into the bathroom and closing and locking the door behind him.  

Peace, finally. He slid down the wall and propped his laptop on his knees, typing out the angry response from Stephen and a few quick lines to end the chapter. A compromise with Dean would be fine. He just needed to finish that one chapter. 

The doorknob rattled again. "Cas, come on. This is childish." 

"I know," Castiel saved the document and shut the lid of the computer slowly. He stood slowly as well, seeing how long he would torture Dean. "I'm done now." 

"Good. Come out, please?" 

"I am," Castiel unlocked the door and opened it with a smile. "Hi." 

"Hey. Bed." 

"There is one in the room, yes." 

"I want you in it. With me. Sleeping." 

Castiel slid his computer into his duffle bag and trailed behind Dean, hand in hand, to the motel's bed. Dean laid down first, on his stomach, making Castiel grin. He'd noticed Dean sleeping on his stomach every night. Castiel followed, resting on his side, arm strewn across Dean's hips to pull him a little closer.  

"Goodnight, Dean." 

"Night, Cas. I expect to see you beside me in the morning." 

"I'll be in the room somewhere," Castiel teased softly, kissing Dean's temple.  

Dean scoffed and tilted his head up for a kiss before falling back down and slowly dropping into sleep in the most adorable way. 


They woke up next to each other, at almost the same moment. Dean's eyes opened to find Castiel wincing at the flooding sunshine and frowning tiredly. He smiled slightly, eyes still half-mast. He moved closer to Castiel's warm body slowly, sliding an arm around his stomach.   

"Dean," Castiel groaned, moving closer to him as well. They were tangled up with the sheets and the blanket, one huge mess on the mattress.  

"Cas," he replied, clearing his throat softly.  

"How much longer do we have before we're forced to get up?" 

"Don't know," Dean yawned, forcing his leg between Castiel's and looping it around Castiel's leg. "Let's just lay here until we can't anymore. Comfortable and warm." 

"I agree," Castiel sighed, his warm breath mingling with Dean's. "Sleepy." 

"Then sleep," Dean chuckled, closing his own eyes again. "I'll wake you up when we have to leave."  

"Before we have to leave. Showering and coffee are important too." 

"Yes, they are. Go to sleep." 

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