Chapter 8

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The road ahead of them was a long one. 

It was made longer by the rain that they drove along the border of Ohio and Kentucky on their way west. Castiel stared at the drops hitting the window of the Impala, tracing their paths with his eyes and thinking about how they were really the same way. They didn't know where they were going, what they were doing. They were just two raindrops on the window of the country, and all they knew was that the west was their destination.  

A smile slid across his lips. That was a good one. He'd have to use that sometime. 

He tore his eyes away from the window as the Aerosmith tape stopped, glancing over at Dean, who had taken his hand away from Castiel's to replace the tape with Castiel's choice of Exile on Main Street. Dean looked at him from the corner of his eye and smiled, catching Castiel watching his tongue dart out to wet his lips.  

"You okay, babe?" Dean slid his hand back into Castiel's after hitting play. "You seem lost." 

"Don't worry," Castiel grinned, his delicate fingers locking around Dean's strong, thick ones. "You didn't leave me in West Virginia or anything. Just... Filing ideas into my mind, I guess." 

"Like what?" Dean's eyes shifted to Castiel for half a second before moving back to the highway in front of them. "Writer stuff?" 

"Writer stuff," Castiel confirmed with a laugh. "About the rain." 

"That sounds pretentious." 

"It very well could be, Dean. For all you know, you could be dating a big, pretentious douchebag." 

"Oh, I could be... But I doubt a big, pretentious douchebag would call himself a big, pretentious douchebag." 

"Shut up, Dean," Castiel laughed, leaning his head against the window and looking down at their hands. "The next time it rains," he announced after a few minutes, turning down the radio, "we should pull over." 

"Why would we do that?"  

"Well, we're on this trip to enjoy it, right? We're not in a rush. We can do whatever we want to. And I think that pulling over and watching it rain would be something nice. It is unpredictable, you know. We could end up getting a once in a lifetime chance." 

"Why don't we pull over now?" 

"That's no fun," Castiel laughed. "It's better watching it start, especially when it's a storm."  

"So if we see storm clouds," Dean declared softly, "I will pull over and we will watch it rain and get soaked." 


"Is this along with the visit to New York?" 


"You owe me two, then, Cas." 

"Whatever, Dean," Castiel grinned, leaning over to kiss Dean's cheek. "Thank you."  


Dean finally pulled into a motel just inside Indiana. It was a cheap, pay-by-the-hour motel, but it would do the trick.  

When he walked into the room, however, he wondered just how many people had had sex on their beds.  

Yes, beds. Two beds were in the room, split by a partition. The theme of the room was a garish hot pink and a dull black, making Castiel snort and Dean laugh.  

"Beautiful," he joked, tossing his bag onto the floor by the partition, lowering Castiel's more gently. He jumped slightly when Castiel dropped onto the bed furthest from the door with a loud squeak. Their eyes met when he turned and they both slowly started to smile, which transformed into hysterical laughter. 

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