Chapter Thirteen

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Alexis yelped and my wolf went crazy. One thought, and one thought only echoed his mind and mine: protect our mate.

These guys had shown up out of nowhere, demanding Lexi and Kate to back away. I would question who they heck they thought they were, except I knew what they were. Hunters. They were probably part of the group that shot me down and landed me here!

Then they shot a tranquilizer at Lexi, talking about taking her with them and I lost it. No way were they taking her or me away from each other. I'd finally come to my senses about her being my mate and now they were ripping us apart. Not on my watch!

I lunged at the men, even though I was fully aware there was a fence between us. I barked at them, trying to scare them off as much as I could. The other wolf joined me, but we both knew it was useless; these men were hunters, trained to be fearless against the werewolves.

Lexi shrieked and I whipped around to see what was wrong. But I realized her scream was more out of fear than anything else. She'd just witnessed her best friend turn into a wolf. I watched, frozen in place, as two things happened at once: Kate took a flying leap over the fence and Lexi's head, landing next to me with a snarl; while Lexi crumpled to the ground.

I bounded over to her, discovering she was passed out with a dart lodged in her arm. I plucked it out with my teeth and spit it in the grass. Those little —

I spun on my paws and with newfound energy, cleared the fence and landed on one of the men. I effectively knocked him to the ground and started clawing. He screamed and fumbled for his gun. I snarled and made sure he couldn't grab it.

A loud bark made my ear twitch and I looked up just in time to see the other hunter point his gun at me. I leapt off the first guy and rammed into the second, knocking the gun out of his hands. I swiped at his face, but this guy was stronger than the first. He swiftly kicked me off him and stumbled to his feet, grabbing his gun and aiming at my head. I slid to a stop and bared my teeth.

I side glanced at the other two wolves, who were trying and failing to make it over the fence. I met Kate's eyes and willed her to understand. The ground has water! Do something!

"I've got one!" A voice shouted and I widened my eyes at our mistake. More specifically: my mistake.

I was so caught up in fighting these guys, I hadn't noticed the sudden arrival of several more hunters. One of them had Lexi in his grip, while Fleur lied unconscious at his feet.

Kate followed my eyes and something must've gone through to her head because suddenly the ground was shaking ever so slightly. She met my eyes once more and nodded.

The other wolf — the one I'd been kept in the pen with — scrambled over the fence and latched it's teeth onto the first guy's leg. He howled in pain just as a spurt of water sprang out of the ground and launched both him and the wolf sideways towards the woods.

The guy with a gun pointed towards me became distracted and I took that chance to spring forward and latch my teeth on his neck. He was gone within a few seconds.

Another shout of pain came from behind me and I whirled around to see Kate had taken a chunk out of a hunter's arm. He ran screaming for the forest, not bothering to get her back.

More spurts of water shot out of the dirt like rockets, knocking hunters over or getting them wet and scared enough to run for the hills. I sent a nod at Kate, she'd figured it out and it had worked.

When the hunters had disappeared, I noticed so had Lexi and the other werewolf.

Sorry guys this took so long to post! I've been super stuck with no inspiration for this book whatsoever, but it's been way too long since my last update. So here's this, sorry it's not a lot and I hope to get this book moving again soon! ❤️

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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