Chapter Ten

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I gritted my teeth against a shift as I tried to get my mate to run to safety. I couldn't shift in front of her. Not yet. Although, I was pretty sure she'd figured the whole werewolf thing out. Hopefully she'd come to terms with it better than most humans.

When Alexis finally turned and darted across her yard, I let my wolf out, shredding my clothes as I transform. Pricking my ears for any hunters, I sat down and licked the wound on my hind leg.

I couldn't believe I got shot. And with Alexis on my back; I put my mate in danger! I didn't think I'd ever forgive myself for that.

The wound was deep, and there was no exit wound, meaning the bullet was still in me. I could tell it wasn't wolf's-bane, thank goodness. It was just a regular bullet. But still, it burned like fire.

Why aren't I healing? I asked my wolf. Most of the time, when werewolves got hurt, we healed incredibly quick.

The bullet's still in there. We have to get it out. Mate can help. He responded and I growled at him.

I don't want her to be any more involved than she already is.

Mate can help!

I growled again and shut him out. Heaving myself off the ground, I tentatively set my bad leg down, yelping as I did so. I sighed and sat back down. This was going to suck.

I wanted to let out a howl, maybe one of my pack members would hear it. But then again, so would the hunter and I didn't want him coming back sooner than he was probably already planning.

I wasn't sure where he'd gone, but my instincts told me he wasn't just going to leave me here to escape.

I needed help. I hated that.

After several excruciating minutes, I decided to try standing again. When I got myself up, I kept my bad leg off the ground and started slowly making my way through the woods on three legs. I was tired, though; I didn't know how much longer this will last. All my earlier adrenaline from getting Lexi safe had  disappeared.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been hobbling in this awkward three-legged gait, but eventually my body couldn't take it anymore and I collapsed. Please don't let the hunters find me before Alexis does. I prayed to the Moon Goddess.

See? My wolf popped into my head. We need her.

I huffed as I realized he's right. I just admitted I wanted her to find us. I laid my head on my paws and soon, I was swept off into darkness.


"Dad! Over here!"

I snapped my eyes open to find the forest much darker than I remembered. How long have I been out?

Light footsteps sounded from behind me and I twitched my ear in that direction.

"He's hurt!" Alexis.

"He?" A deeper voice called from farther away.

"Just trust me!"

I whimpered as my mate slid down beside me. She looked into my eyes and gave me a soft smile. "I brought help." She whispered.

She knows. She knows it's me. I blinked at her, thumping my tail lightly against the ground.

A shadow suddenly loomed over her and I tensed up, only to relax when I realized it's her dad. And then I stiffened again. Did she tell him?

"I think it got shot." She told him, pointing to my injured leg.

"Is the bullet still in there?" Her dad asked her.

Glancing at me, My mate slowly reached out and gently grabbed the bad leg. I let her, following her actions with my eyes.

"No exit wound." She said.

Her father sighed, "Can it walk?"

Lexi looked at me and I gave her the tiniest nod so her father couldn't see. "I think so." She told him.

"Alright, lets get it to the pen."

"We'll help you, okay?" She whispered to me and I gave her cheek a tiny lick, making her smile.

I gently pushed myself off the ground, wincing at the soreness in my wounded leg. I limped behind Alexis and her father until we reached about halfway across her backyard. I stiffened as I smelled another wolf. A werewolf.

My mate opened the gate and ushered me inside. I drooped my tail, wishing I could shift back and take shelter inside instead of in a pen.

A low growl snapped my attention to the far corner of the enclosure. A small wolf sat there, hunched over and huddled in on itself. I heard the gate close behind me and I sat down, tilting my head. I let out a soft yip, trying to tell the wolf I meant no harm.

The wolf pointedly turned its body away from me and ducked its head into the corner.

I let out a long breath, turning to watch Alexis and her father head inside. She turned back to me and gave me a small smile before closing the door. I wagged my tail a little. Maybe she was getting to like me!

With that happy thought in my mind, I curled up cat style and shut my eyes, welcoming the sleep that came.

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