Chapter Six

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I trotted along the edge of the tree line, letting the light breeze tickle through my fur. I wagged my tail, letting myself enjoy the stroll.

I told Alpha James I was going to sweep the territory, checking for anything that could endanger the pack. But, really, I just wanted some time to myself. I needed to think. About Alexis.

How had I never noticed her in school before? I'm eighteen; if I'd payed attention, I could've discovered her as my mate two years ago! That's what angered me. I found out she's been dating this human for around a year. If I'd gotten to her first, she would've never dated the guy, we'd be together, and this situation would be far less complicated. Agh.

I dropped my tail, letting it drag on the ground as my trot turned into a trudge. Alexis was beautiful; I was easily falling for her, fast. And my wolf was begging me to claim her as ours already.

Stupid Kaden. I kicked a stone. Why are you in my way? I lifted my paw to send another pebble into the trees only to stop short, stiffening. I inhaled deep, confirming what I already knew. Rogues. And they were heading straight towards Alexis' house.

My first instinct was to run in the direction they were going, to try to intercept them before they got too close to my mate. But I knew that would be a suicide mission. Based on the smell alone, I knew there were too many for me to take on alone. So, I turned and bolted back towards the pack house.

From where I was in the territory, normally the run would've taken around five minutes. But in my panic, and my wolf's drive to protect Alexis, I got there in under two.

I was panting, out of breath, when I arrived at one of the hidden side doors to the massive castle. I shifted, slipping on a random pair of shorts that were lying against the wall, and pressed the disguised panel. A tiny section of the stone folded in on itself, creating a small doorway. I ducked in, finding myself in front of a set of spiraling stairs. James' office was on the second story, so I started up. I heard the wall slide back into place behind me.

I reached the landing on the second floor, opening the wooden door and making a dash down the wide corridor. I didn't know how much time I had, but I knew I needed to be fast.

I burst into the Alpha's office, which I knew was extremely rude and could get me even a small punishment, but I didn't care. My mind was on the safety of my mate.

James looked up from the papers on his desk, slightly startled at the noise I made. When he caught sight of the state I was in, he dropped what he was doing and jumped out of his chair. His face serious.

"Austin? What's going on?"

Taylor and Kaitlyn, James' daughters, jumped up from their spots on the couch. Kate handed me a glass of water.

"Thanks." I gasped, gulping it. Still out of breath, I gave them the information I had as fast as possible. As soon as I said "rogues," James was ordering Taylor to gather a group of enforcers. She left without waiting to hear the end.

I turned my eyes to Kate. "They're near Alexis' house." Instantly, she understood my panic.

"She won't know the difference! She'll just see them as wolves, and they'll see her has an easy capture!" Her eyes were wide now, her fear for her friend was obvious.

Alpha put a hand up. "Wait who's Alexis? I don't understand."

"My mate." I said at the same time Kate said, "My best friend."

He raised an eyebrow at his daughter. "Best friend? Why have I never heard of this girl?"

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. "Now's not the time, Dad. She's human, so I don't invite her to hang out here." She didn't give any more of an explanation, and I could tell James wanted more, but we were running out of time. Who knew how far the rogues had gotten already.

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