Chapter Eleven

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"Lexi!" My mom called, snapping me from a daze.

I shook my head and blinked, adjusting my eyes as she slid a plate of pancakes across the counter. I sat up, grabbing a fork and mumbling a thank you.

"Are you okay, sweetie?"

I gave her a questioning look. "Yeah. Why?"

She shrugged and turned back to flipping more pancakes. "You just seem. . . down I guess. Is there something you want to talk about? Does it have to do with why Kaden never comes around anymore?"

"Mom!" I groaned. "I've told you not to ask about my love life!"

She rolled her eyes. "Sorry! I've just noticed some changes and wanted to make sure you were okay."

I took a bite, "well, I'm fine. Thanks."

She leaned across the counter a little. "Hmm. Well if it's not about Kaden, is it about that wolf you found a few weeks ago?"

I sighed, "again, I'm fine. . ."

"But. . ." Mom encouraged.

I let out a long breath, setting down my fork. "But, I am worried about him. It's been nearly three weeks since we found him! He seems to be healing all right, but Dad won't let us release him." I still haven't told her about the wolf being Austin Ashford, and I don't plan to. She'd never understand. It was my secret.

Mom gave me a small smile. "Your father is an excellent vet, Lexi. Just trust him, okay?"

I nodded and wolfed down the rest of my breakfast. I pushed the cleared plate back to my mom and stood up. "Thanks for the food, but now it's the animals' turn."

Mom smiled and put my plate in the sink. "I'll leave you to do that; I'm going to run to the store soon, okay?"

I smiled back and gave her a nod and headed outside. I crossed the spongey lawn with Fleur at my heels. I quickly unlocked the shed and walked inside where we keep a mini fridge loaded with meat chunks. I dumped a bunch into a clean bucket and carried it around the side to the wolf pen.

"Hey guys!" I called.

Austin immediately sprung up, his ears and tail pointed tall. He trotted to the edge of the pen and sat down neatly.

I grinned, especially when I noticed his injured leg wasn't even injured anymore. Everything was healed up nicely, thanks to my dad and probably a little bit of wild werewolf abilities that I'm not sure I'll ever understand.

Fleur barked at him from her spot next to me and he barked right back. The retriever froze and slowly sat on her haunches, glancing up at me with a horrified look in her eyes.

I laughed, "Did he just order you around?" She just stared at me with unblinking hazel eyes. "Good, that'll teach you to mess with my wolves!" She gave me a little whine through her teeth, making me giggle.

I slowly unlocked the pen gate and Austin stood up, wagging his tail excitedly. I glanced back at Fleur. "Stay!" I told her and swung the gate open, quickly entering the pen.

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