8. The First Night Of Searching

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The wolf padded over to me and began circling me. I questioned whether or not it was a girl or boy and then realized it was a girl; a mother wolf. Her babies were in the bed of the truck, and I could hear them whimpering for her. I slowly backed towards the truck, unsure of what the wolf wanted. I knew that either one of many things would happen: she would either take her babies, she could make me help her with them, she might have chosen to protect the babies, or she would kill me and feed me to the wolves; literally. My knees were shaking and my body was trembling with the fear of not knowing what was going to happen. I reached behind me and breathed a sigh of relief when I bumped into the truck. 

The wolf nuzzled my leg and jumped up so her front paws were on the back bumper of the truck. She tried to get into the bed of the Chevy but couldn’t make it up there, so I nudged her down and opened the back hatch to lower the tailgate so she could jump up there. She leapt up and found her babies and they began to nurse. I began to turn to walk away and she made a noise to tell me to stay. I stayed until her pups were full and she climbed out of the truck. I put the tailgate back up and began to walk towards Nellie's house. 

"Did you find her??!?" Nellie shouted from her front door.

I shook my head, "Don't cry, Carter, be a man. Don't cry." I thought to myself.

Nellie ran towards me and Chad followed her. She whispered, "I'm sorry. We couldn't find her." 

"We'll call the police," Chad said, pulling out his cell phone and dialing.

[the following is the 911 transcript]

911 what's your emergency?

I'm hosting a party and one of my friends is missing.

Alright sir, stay calm, have you checked the bathrooms or other rooms in the house?

It was an outdoor party, but yes, we checked the bathrooms and every room in the houses we live in. 

Have you checked to make sure your guest didn't leave in their car?

We checked her car and we've checked every place she could possibly be. I need the police to help us find her.

Alright, what is your address?

[removed for Chad's privacy]

Thank you, the police have been dispached sir, please remain on the line until they arrive.


[end of transcript]

The police finally arrived after what seemed like years and Chad hung up the phone, whilst walking over to the officers. He explained what had happened to the officers, who then came over to talk to me. 

"Hello, sir, I am Logan Monroe and this is my partner Detective Grace Hart. We will be taking your case," the tall, slim officer stated, extending his hand.

"Carter Frost." I extended my hand and shook his. His grip was firm, a little too firm, and lasted too long.

"What is the name of the missing person?" Detective Hart asked.

"Emma. Emma Jackson. I-I have a picture of her… if you need one…" 

"That would be great," Detective Hart said with a reassuring smile.

I pulled out my phone and found a few good pictures of Emma and showed them to Detective Hart.

"Thank you. These will help a lot," she stated, "May I send these to myself and Detective Monroe?" 


She sent them to herself and Detective Monroe and added both of them into my contacts, "If we find anything, we'll give you a call." 

"Thank you."

She went to go talk to Detective Monroe and they began to discuss the best way to search for and find Emma.

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