𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

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chapter eleven. confidential.

Jay walks into the computer room inside the roll up where Voight was just talking with Al, exhausted and says, "Sarg, you got a minute?"

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Jay walks into the computer room inside the roll up where Voight was just talking with Al, exhausted and says, "Sarg, you got a minute?"

"Uh-huh" Hank says, sitting on the edge of the desk.

"Um...I just wanted to apologize for what happened with Camila. I put the team in a bad situation. I messed up my marriage with...with an amazing person, which tore my family apart. I, um," Jay says, and clears his throat, "It won't happen again. You have my word"

"Regarding the team, you're on desk duty until further notice, and you've got an appointment with the psychologist at 1. You're lucky I don't get rid of you right now. And with Sam, that's on you to fix, how ever long it takes"

"I know. Have you um, talked to her? It's been a few days and I've seen Gracie once, on facetime"

"I have" Hank says and walks away.


Brayden walks onto the unit and instantly hears, "Hey, look who's back" from Kevin, who goes over to him and gives him a bro hug.

"Hey guys" Brayden says, shrugging off his jacket and placing it on the back of his chair.

"Welcome back, man" Hank says, holding out his hand for a shake. Brayden accepts it and says, "Thanks, Sarg. Where's Sam?" making everyone look at their sergeant.

"Yeah, she hasn't been around in the last few days" Kevin says. Hank looks at Jay who looks down at the ground and says, "After the case we worked with the homicide of the DEA agent, Sam decided to take some time off with her furlough"

"Wait, what?" Adam says.

"How long will she be gone for?" Kim asks.

Voight sighs and says, "A few months maybe more"

"This is insane" Adam says.

"Let's not stress about that right now. Hailey?"

"Right, um, our victim is a Jane Doe. We ran her prints. They're not in the system" Hailey speaks up.

"And my CI doesn't know her name either, but her friend's name is Isabel Perez" Burgess says, pointing at the picture on the board, "And she's dating the same guy that looks good for this murder"

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐄, jay halstead ⁴Where stories live. Discover now