Falling..... Lots of Falling.

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Dwalin lunged forward and managed to grab his hand trying to pull him up. I dropped onto my stomach next to Dwalin hooked my leg securely around a rock and grabbed Thorin's other hand pulling as hard as I could. We managed to get him over the edge and I stood, shaking slightly from the adrenaline rushing through my body. 

"I thought we lost our burglar" Dwalin said as he stood sopping wet. 

"He's been lost ever since he left home" Thorin snapped "He should never have come; he has no place amongst us"

My eyes sparked with rage and I stepped forward but stopped as a hand closed around my wrist. 

"Now is not the time" Dwalin whispered to me. 

I nodded and he went to search a cave for Thorin. Bofur took the first watch while the rest of us found a place to sleep. The cave was large and dry but still very cold. I found a clear space next to the wall and lay down wrapping my cloak around me. Despite the loud snoring and shifting of the surrounding dwarves I soon fell into a deep sleep.

"Wake Up! Wake Up!" Thorin shouted. 

I jolted awake just as the floor disappeared from beneath me, sending us tumbling down a long tunnel. I scrambled to grab something and ended up latching onto Ori's coat; his eyes were wide with shock as we tumbled after the others clinging to each other as if our lives depended on it.

We fell out of the tunnel and into what seemed like a sort of cage, orcs came running toward us pulling the dwarves to their feet and pushing them along a narrow stone path. I was swept along in the tide of dwarves fighting to be free of the orcs, but there were just too many. We came to a stop in front of a huge goblin, so hideous I shuddered to look upon him. 

Ori pushed me toward the center of the Company and Dwalin pulled me towards him. They stood protectively around me trying to keep me out of the Goblin King's sight. Unfortunately it was too late, he had spotted me during all the jostling and now called for me to be tortured for information but as I was ripped away from Dwalin, Thorin stepped forward. 

"Wait!" he bellowed. 

"Well, well, well look who it is Thorin Oakenshield. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head, just the head nothing attached" he turned to a very small goblin in a swing like structure "send word to the pale orc, tell him I have found his prize"

The Goblin King began to sing a terrible song but was cut short as one of the goblins unsheathed Orcrist and screeched flinging it to the ground. 

"The Goblin Cleaver! The Biter, the sword that slashed a thousand necks!" the King screamed "Kill them! Kill them all!" He pointed at Thorin "Cut off his head!" 

Suddenly a bright light flashed causing my vision to dance momentarily. As I recovered I looked up and saw Gandalf standing there, staff in one hand and sword in the other. 

"Pick up arms fight, Fight!"

With a roar the dwarves surged to their feet pulling me with them. I recovered my weapons and stood with Dwalin, axes in hand. I slashed at the goblins as we followed Gandalf running along wooden planking that would hopefully lead us out of these awful tunnels.

Dwalin grabbed a longpole and with the help of Nori and a couple of others pushed the goblins in front of us off the path sending them screaming into the dark abyss. We ran onto a swinging bridge and those in the front leapt off onto another pathway. 

As it swung back the way we came a group of goblins jumped on. I turned to fight them but was suddenly swept off my feet as a pair of strong arms lifted me, pressing me against Dwalin's chest, his beard tickling my face as he jumped off the bridge and landed squarely on the path. I peeked over his shoulder and saw Fili slice through the rope as he jumped to safety.

The swinging bridge fell, escorting the goblins to their death. Dwalin set me down and we continued running, pushing a boulder in front of us squashing anything that got in its way. Suddenly the Goblin King crashed through the bridge in front of us and stood there grinning evilly.

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