A Spell of Syncope

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"It's just the usual" Balin said standing and offering Bilbo a folded parchment  "Summary of out of pocket expenses, time required, remuneration, funeral arrangements and so forth"

"Funeral arrangements?" Bilbo squeaked looking terrified. He stepped into the hall and proceeded to read the contract.

"I'm going too" I stated making everyone stare at me. "I'm not going to let Bilbo go on an adventure without me. He might get hurt and I would never forgive myself of I was not there to at least try to save him" Thorin looked thoroughly  annoyed.

"Lass it's not safe" Dwalin said laying a hand on my shoulder. I turned toward him determination kindling a fire in my green eyes.

"I know it's not, but Bilbo is my best friend and I'm going!" He sighed and looked at Thorin who grumbled audibly but motioned to Balin who started to draw up another contract. I signed it just as Bilbo fainted.

Pushing back my chair I helped Gandalf move him to the sitting room to rest. Leaving Gandalf to deal with Bilbo, I followed the sound of voices into another room and perched on the arm of a chair by the fireplace just as the dwarfs began to sing, their deep, rich voices filling my senses and as I stared into the flames it was as if I could see Erebor and my heart ached for these dwarves who had lost their home to the dragon fire.

After ensuring they all had blankets,  I made my way  to the room that Bilbo had offered me for the night and climbed into bed. That night I dreamed of dwarves and dragons and a certain pair of blue eyes.

I awoke before the sun and packed my knapsack with a couple of sets of clothing, a small healer's kit, a water skin and my mother's ivory hairbrush that my father had given her for a wedding present.

I dressed in a pair of brown trousers and a dark blue tunic cinching a wide leather belt around my waist, lacing up my knee high boots and pulling my red hair back into a long braid.

I stuck a dagger in my boot and one in a sheath on my belt before checking to ensure that my array of throwing knives where all securely hidden in various places on my body.

I grabbed my bow, quiver and cloak before stepping into the hall, I walked outside where the dwarves where gathered preparing for the journey.

Kili hurried over and pulled me toward a shaggy grey pony

"This is River she's yours now" he grabbed my knapsack and tied it behind her saddle.

"Thank you Kili" I said and swung my leg over her back and patted her neck. I rode between Fili and Kili as we left Bag End behind.

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