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"Ryan." Lydia's voice shook him awake.

Ryan's eyes flew open. He hadn't meant to fall asleep but Lydia had suggested watching a movie and Ryan obliged -- the warmth of Lydia lulled him into a deep sleep. He couldn't remember the last time that he had slept so well.

"Caroline." He murmured. It had been an unspoken agreement that whatever they were doing wasn't something that Caroline needed to know about. "God, Lydia. I'm so sorry." He flipped the covers off, the cold air raising goosebumps on his bare body -- only a pair of boxers on.

"It's okay," Lydia reassured him. "She's not up yet so I was thinking we could go make breakfast and just pretend that you came for breakfast." She flashed an impish smile at Ryan.

Ryan leaned forward, pressing a kiss onto her lips. Lydia hooked her around his neck, pulling him closer. It felt so good, felt so right -- it gave Ryan hope that they could be a family someday.

After a moment, he pulled away. As much as he wanted a replay of last night, Ryan knew that it was probably in their best interests if they were both downstairs when Caroline woke up.

Lydia reached up, running her fingers down his jawline. "What are your plans for the day?"

"I have a therapy session at noon." Ryan nodded a little, thinking. "I should probably not show up in the same clothes so I'll have to run to my sister's house and shower and change."

She nodded, smiling a little. "Wednesdays are my days off." She pulled the covers off her legs. "Pancakes for breakfast?"

Ryan slid off the bed, tugging his clothes back on. "Pancakes would be great."

Half an hour later, as Lydia slid the last pancake on a platter, Caroline appeared in the doorway. 

"Ryan!" He turned in time to scoop the girl up. "You're here for breakfast."

"Are you hungry for some pancakes?" Ryan couldn't help but grin. He wanted nothing more for this to be every day, where he didn't have to pretend like he hadn't spent the night with Lydia -- using breakfast as a cover.

Caroline nodded and Ryan set her back on the ground, watching as she scurried towards the table. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so happy. His life had changed in ways that two months ago he wouldn't have been able to fathom.

"Are you okay?" Lydia nudged him, her eyes filled with concern.

A grin spread across his face. "Honestly, I can't remember the last time I've felt so happy. So much has changed so fast and I know I still have a long way to go until I'm back to normal but..." His voice trailed off with a shrug.

"I'm glad." Lydia returned the grin. "Let's go eat before you have to witness the monster Caroline becomes when she's hungry."


Ryan killed the engine to his Bronco -- desperately hoping that his sister wasn't home to question where he had been. He knew she was worried and her hovering was most likely because she felt guilty for her role in his entrapment but he still dreaded the questions.

Sweet Caroline {Ryan Blaney} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now