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"Alright, Ryan." The producer clapped her hands together. "I'm so glad you could finally join us for some filming."

Ryan fought the urge to roll his eyes, biting his lip to remind the producer that he had ambushed by them-- no doubt with Stacy's help -- and not really given a choice. He could feel Stacy's glare on him and he knew that it would be a long weekend in his small motorhome if he didn't keep his mouth shut.

"So what we're going to do is have Stacy next to you. I want you guys to recreate the conversation that Stacy said you guys had last week about starting a family." The producer motioned towards Stacy.

Ryan raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?" He turned to Stacy. "What are they talking about it? I didn't think the conversation that we had was one that you would want to recreate." Ryan hated how fake this show was. Reality TV his ass.

Stacy smiled sweetly at Ryan, "Of course it is. We both want kids."

"Wait!" The producer stepped back. "Let's film this." The producer nodded at Stacy before the cameraman lifted the camera on his shoulder.

Ryan leaned back, crossing his arms. He knew that he had two ways to go about this -- one way would spare him the wrath of Stacy but the other way was the truth. Ryan fought the urge to just go with it -- to spare himself but he was past that point and he refused to let Stacy manipulate this situation.

Stacy plastered a fake smile on her face. "Ryan," She laid a hand on his shoulder. "I think we should start a family. I know we aren't married or even engaged yet but I think we're ready."

Ryan shook his head. "No, Stacy. Like I told you before, I don't want kids." He stood up. "And I'm done filming for this show. I don't want any part of this anymore." The cameraman shook his head, lowering the camera.

The producer stepped forward to speak but Ryan was always on his way out of the door. He had no idea where he was going to go -- hell, he had nowhere to go. Stacy had made sure to alienate him from everybody, ruining all of the friendships Ryan had painstakingly built through the years. Ryan felt that he was partially to blame -- he had let her but he had never felt more alone than he was now. He couldn't really pop into Chase's motorhome to hide out in until Stacy cooled down.

"Where do you think you're going?" Stacy hissed from behind him as he descended the stairs. Ryan tucked his head down, hoping that Stacy would just leave him. But she grabbed his arm, spinning him toward her. "Are you going to answer me?"

Ryan shrugged. "I'm not filming a fake conversation, Stacy. I hate this show and I'm tired of it."

"This show has done wonders for your career. I have done wonders for your career." Stacy spat. "You are an ungrateful bastard."

Ryan shrugged, a chuckle escaping from his lips. He hated that Stacy acted like he owed her for his career when in reality, she had really done nothing to help -- sponsors were starting to leave because Stacy would try and press for more kickbacks for less work. He hated that but he had given her the power.

No more.

"I'm going for a walk." Ryan shook his head. "I'm not fighting about this anymore, Stacy."

"You will regret this." She hissed before turning back towards the motorhome.

"I already do," Ryan mumbled under his breath, shoving his hands in his pockets and putting as much distance between he and Stacy as he could manage.


Ryan opened the motorhome door gingerly. His walk had lasted long enough that he had just diverted to the garage -- his PR guy bringing Ryan his firesuit for practice. He figured the more time that he could give Stacy to cool down, the better things would be.

He let a sigh of relief as he surveyed the quiet motorhome. He made his way towards the back, towards his closed bedroom door.

Ryan opened it slowly, his body relaxing at the sight of Stacy with her back turned to him -- sleeping. Crisis averted for the time being. Ryan knew that he wasn't out of the woods yet but at least he'd have a few minutes of peace and quiet before he had to go qualify.

Ryan quietly shut the door, tiptoeing back towards the from of his bus. His phone chimed with the text tone that he had set for Lydia. He wanted to always know if she texted so he could respond faster than he normally would.

Caroline would like to call and wish you good luck if you have a second. If not, no big deal.

Ryan couldn't help but grin at the text message. He knew that he shouldn't take the call with Stacy on the bus but she was sleeping. It had been a few days since Ryan had seen Caroline so he would take whatever time he could get with her -- no matter how risky.

Ryan clicked the FaceTime button under Lydia's name, positioning his phone as he waited for her to answer. Her face filled the screen, Ryan's heart skipped a few beats at the wide smile on her face as she greeted him.

"Let me get Caroline." She told him, setting the phone down for a moment, her ceiling filling up his screen. Ryan wondered what her house looked like, wondered about all of the memories that they contained -- hopefully happy ones. He was eager for a house with a fresh start, a place where he could make happy memories with both Lydia and Caroline if he were lucky enough.

"Ryan!" Ryan's mind snapped back to the screen, Caroline's face filling his screen now. Her bright eyes were wide, her grin huge. "Good luck today! I'll be watching!"

"Thank you." Ryan's own grin grew. "That means a lot. Hopefully, I'll win the pole for you."

"That would be awesome!" Caroline marveled at the thought of Ryan winning a pole for her. Ryan's excitement to bring her to the track for the Roval grew, he couldn't wait to see her fresh, unadulterated joy as she experienced all of the things that he took for granted. He knew that Lydia was nervous that somebody would figure out that Caroline was his daughter but honestly, he didn't care -- everybody was going to find out sooner or later.

Ryan's ears picked up a faint rustling in the bedroom. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to go get ready. I will talk to you later, okay? And I'll see you this week, okay Caroline?" He hoped that Lydia had heard that last part. They hadn't talked about it but he hoped that they could figure something out.

"That's okay, here's Momma." Lydia's face filled the screen again.

"I'll look at my schedule and let you know, okay? Good luck today, Ryan. We'll be cheering you on."

"Sounds good, and thanks." Ryan offered a smile as Lydia's face disappeared from his screen. Ryan sat there for a moment, soaking in his last few minutes of peace and trying to center himself so he could focus on qualifying when his phone buzzed.

Thinking it might be Lydia, he lifted his phone to see a text from his sister that made his stomach twist.

We need to talk.

Sweet Caroline {Ryan Blaney} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now