Part 7

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-Alexas POV-

I wake up at 7:00. Peyton is dancing very badly. I need to tell Kayla that Austin asked me out. EKK! I go into the bathroom and I wash my face. Ah. My phone beeps For a new text. 'Hey Lex!' Kayla texts me.


Kayla: k

Lexi: L


K: Ok, on my way down.


I hear a knock on the door. "Peyton! Can you get the door I need to put my hair up!" I say. "Yeah" Peyton says opening the door while I go run in the bathroom. I over hear them talking. "Hey Kayla!" Peyton says brightening his mood up. "Hey Pey!" Kayla says. They hug. "Is Alexa here?" She asks. "yeah, Come in in" Peyton says inviting her. "Kayla, these are my other sisters. Amelia, Emma, and Chloe." he says pointing to them in order as he says. "Hi" Kayla says. "hi you're really pretty." Amelia says. "Thanks so are you" Kayla replies. "Hey How old are you?" Emma asks. "Hey I'm 16" Kayla replies again. "Are you dating my brother?" Chloe asks. "No.... why has he been telling you that?" Kayla says. "No but he talks about you all the time, like you guys are dating" Chloe says. ENOUGH EASDROPPING! Ok now I need to really fix my hair. I brush out all of my knots and I put my hair into a messy bun. I put on a Purple headband on. I smile into the mirror and I walk out. "Pey are you gonna let me talk to my friend or what? because she came here to see me" I ask Peyton. "Awe, I have to leave her" Peyton says sadly. "I'm sorry will this make up for it?" Kayla asks. She hug Peyton and let's go. "Yeah, that helps a little bit. I pull on Kayla's Arm leading her outside. "What do you need to tell me?" Kayla asks. "Austin asked me out!!!" I says. "NO WAY!!!!!!! AWE!!!!" Kayla says. "I KNOW!!!" I exclaim. "OH MY GOD!!!!! My two best friends are going out!!" Kayla Exclaims. "I figured I'd tell you first before I told Peyton because you have known Austin longer" I say. "I'm glad you let me know, and I'm okay with you and Austin dating. In fact I'm gonna go tell him to ask you out right now." She says. Kayla pulls my arm. "Peyton, do you wanna come with me?" Kayla asks Peyton. "Can I?" he asks. "Yeah" Kayla says. Peyton walks up to Kayla and grabs her hand. Kayla looks him. "Is this alright??" He asks. Kayla pulls her hand out of Peyton's. "I'm sorry, I can't date my best friend's brother it's really weird" Kayla says. " I'm sorry, can I still go with you?" He asks. "Yeah, Let's go" Kayla says. We walk into the hallway. Peyton stop Kayla in the middle. "Kayla I have a question?" Peyton says. "Fire Away" Kayla says. "If you don't have to date your best friend's brother, then why didn't you stop me from kissing you last night?" He asks. "I don't know, I...I...I just don't know. I have to go..." Kayla says. Kayla turns around. Peyton catches her wrist. "Kayla Wait" Peyton says. Kayla faces him. "Yeah?" she says. "What if Alexa was alright with us going out?" Peyton asks. "Then I would go out with you" Kayla says. "Ok, well are we still gonna hang out before the meet and greet?" Peyton asks hopefully. "I don't know, but can I have your number, so that I don't have to call Alexa to talk to you?" Kayla says. "Of course, can I see your phone?" Peyton says. Kayla gives her phone to him and he puts his number in. "Text me if you still want to hang out" Peyton says. "ok" Kayla says. Kayla Walks into her room and call Austin and Alex. Huh ok leave me out here.

-10 minutes later-

I get a text saying. " I have a question? Would it be alright if I went out with your brother?" From Kayla

A: " Are you kidding me!!! I've been waiting for you to ask me that OF COURSE!!!!!!!!"

K: " Thanks!"

I hear a knock on the door. "Peyton! Can you get that?!" I yell. "Oh Sure make the rapper get it" he says sarcastically opening the door. Kayla hugs Peyton. "I take it you asked Alexa." Peyton says. I smile. "So then, would you want to go out with me?" He asks. Kayla nods. Peyton and Kayla kiss. Austin coughs interrupting them. "Sorry Austin. ALEXA COME HERE!!!!!!!

" Kayla yells. "What?" I say. "Alexa, would you want to be my girlfriend?" Austin asks. No way! "I'd love too." I say smiling. I crash into Austin arms. "Well isn't this just great! Two new couples" Peyton says. Kayla looks at Peyton with puppy eyes. "Pey, when are you gonna tell your fans?" Kayla asks. "I don't know, maybe tonight." Peyton says shrugging his shoulder. I step in "Why don't we go on a double date right now?" I ask. "I'd love to but what about Alex?" Kayla asks. "Kayla, remember him and Sarah? They would always have us come along and then they would kiss and hug each other all the time. He needs to taste his own medicine" Austin says. "Ok, I'll text him to come meet us now" Kayla says taking out her phone. "Alex is coming" Kayla says. "Okie!" I say. "What shall we go??" Austin asks. "I don't know" Peyton says. "How bout bowling?" Kayla suggests. "Yeah! I love bowling!" I say. Alex walks in. "Hey Guys! So I hear there are new couples." he says smiling. "Yeah" Austin says putting his arm around me. "Yup!" Peyton says putting his arm around Kayla. "Austin you finally got her" Alex says. "Yeah Finally." Austin says pecking my cheek. I blush. "Finally?" I ask. "Oh! Austin is always talking about asking you to be his girlfriend but he was to scared to ask" Kayla says. "Aw" I say pecking Austin's cheek. "Yea it kinda got annoying" Alex says. I giggle. "Do you know what I just noticed?? Austin is very tall" I say. "Yeah it looks like it" Peyton says. "How tall are you exactly?" Austin asks. "5'4" I say. "Now I know why" Austin says. "Wanna get going??" Peyton asks. "Yup!" I say.

-Bowling Alley-

We walk up to the front desk. We pick up our shoes. "7 1/2" I say. They give it to me. "Thanks" I say grabbing them and walking to our lane. Kayla and Peyton put in their names and giggling. They are so cute. I smile. "Hey Lexi" Austin says putting his arm around me. "Hey Aust" I say wrapping my arms around him. "Want me to put our names in?" I ask. "Yeah sure" I say. He walk to the lane. Austin puts his name in and he puts my name in for me. Alex puts his name in. "Kayla your up" I say. "Ok" she grabs a ball. She bowls it. STRIKE! "First One!" Kayla yells. I high five her. "Pey Your up" Kayla says. He bowls it. "You missed!" I says. "I'm just warming up" he says. "Uh huh" I say. He bowls again. He gets 5 pins. "Yay! You got 5 pins" I say. "Ha ha" he says sarcastically. "Austins Shawty?" Alex says. "I'm guessing that's me" I say. "Yup you guessed right" Austin says. I laugh. I bowl. "Strike!" I yell. I start dancing like an idiot. "Woo Hoo!" I cheer. I stop. "Nice one Babe" Austin says pecking my cheek. "Thanks Babe" I says. "You're welcome" he says smiling. "Now good luck" I say. Austin bowls. Spare! "Nice try Austin" I say. "thanks" he says.

-Meet and Greet-

I look over at Austin and Austin looks over to me. I smile. He winks at me. I turn bright red. I can't believe my idol is my boyfriend. "OMG that's PSanders sister Alexa!" a girl says. I smile and wave. They scream. I laugh and I walk up to them. "Hi What are your guys name??" I ask. "Amanda and Taylor" They say. "Nice to meet you" I say. "Nice to meet you too!" Amanda says. "Same!" Taylor says. "Who are you guys here to see?" I ask them. "Austin Mahone and PSanders" They say separately. "That's cool! I think I know PSanders" I say. "Haha of course you do" Taylor says. "Yup!" I say. "Haha yeah" Amanda says. "I have to go guys. Nice to meet you guys!" I say. "Ok Nice to meet you" Amanda says. I hug them both and let go. "bye" I say walking away.

-During the show-

"I'd like to ask a very special girl up on stage" Peyton says. "Me too" Austin says. The crowd screams. "Kayla" Peyton says. Kayla walks up on stage. "Lexi" Austin says. I walk up on stage. Music plays.

-After the song-

The crowd screams. Me and Kayla smile. We walk of stage. "Guys Me and Austin have an announcement" Peyton says. The girls scream. "Alexa is my Girlfriend" Austin says. "Kayla is my Girlfriend"

-After their performance-

Kayla punches Peyton, but then pulls him into a hug. "I can't believe you did that!" Kayla says. "I told you I was gonna tell them tonight" Peyton says. I smile shaking my head. "That was good Austin" I say. "Thanks" he says. I smile. He steps one step closer to me, lifts my chin lightly and kisses me. I kiss back. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls back. I smile. "Did you know this was my first kiss?" I asks. "This was you first kiss? Well I'm happy I'm your first kiss" he says. "Yup! It was with the one I love" I say. "Great" he says. "Come on let's go home" I say grabbing his hand. "Ok" He says.

Thanks Guys!!!


I Like My Best Friends Brother ( A Psanders and Austin Mahone Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now