Part 5

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-Alexas POV-

It's 8:30 in the morning! AHH! I hate mornings! "Peyton! Amelia! Emma! Chloe! Get up!" I yell. Peyton moans. "Why?" he complains. "It's 8:30!" I yell. "Soo" Peyton says throwing a pillow at me. I throw the pillow back at him. "Now Get up!" I yell. I go into the bathroom to wash my face and put OB my clothes. No I don't put make up on. I go all natural. I get out of the bathroom. "Rawr!" Peyton screams. I squeal. "Dude!" I yell whacking him. "What?" he say laughing. "Haha Really funny." I say. My phone beeps.


Kayla: Hey Lexi! Are we meeting this morning?

Me: Yeah!!!!! We are staying at the same hotel right?

Kayla: yeah, are you guys ready? We could meet up?

Me: Let me ask the Fam.

Kayla: ok.


"Hey mom can We meet up with Kayla??" I ask. "Sure Lexi" she says. "Can I come?" Peyton asks. "Ok Fine" I say.


Me: My mom said that I can, is it ok if I bring me brother he really wants to come.

Kayla: Sure! What's your room number?

Me: 18

Kayla: NO WAY OURS IS 21!!!!

Me: Haha that would be something to tell Peyton that you guys are in room 21.

Kayla: Haha, we ate reppin the 21. We are so close in rooms, maybe just we will meet you at your room.

Me: ok, well we are ready so come over whenever you are ready

Kayla: Ok, we ate ready so we'll be over in like two minutes.

Me: K I'll be waiting. bye.

Kayla: Bye.


-Two Minutes later-

I hear a really loud banging on the door. "Hey Kayla!" I say. "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT YOUR BROTHER IS PSANDERS?!?!?!?" she yells. I slowly walk out the door closing the door behind me. "Who told you?" I ask. "Dylan" Kayla says. I see Austin, Alex, and Dylan walking down the hall. I run behind him and jumps on his back. "HOW COULD TELL HER?!" I ask. "I'm sorry, I forgot that Peyton and you both told me not to tell her." he says. "Well then maybe you should go tell Peyton that you told her. It beats me telling him." I say. I look at Kayla talking to Alex and Austin. I walk to Kayla. "Ok, you get to tell me how you know Austin and Alex" I say. "Ok, first off you know how you weren't supposed to tell me that you last name is sanders, well my last name is Constancio. And Austin is my Best friend" she says confessing. "HOW CAN YOU NOT TELL ME?!" I ask. "Alex and Austin didn't want me to tell you, because they thought that you would only to be friends with me because I knew them" she says. "Thats the same thing that Peyton told me" I say. "Ok, so would you like to met them officially?" she asks me. "OF COURSE!" I yell. "Haha Austin this is my best friend Alexa, Alexa this is my best friend Austin Mahone and my cousin Alex Constancio" she says introducing us. "Nice to officially meet you guys" I say smiling. "Nice to meet you too" Austin says with a very cute smile. "Haha, I can't believe she actually listened to us and didn't tell you that she was related to me." Alex says. "Yeah" I say. "Now you met my secret that I was hiding where's your?" Kayla asks. "I'll go get him" I say going to my room. "Peyton!" I yell. "What?!" he says. "I want you to meet someone" I say pulling him outside. "Kayla this is my brother Peyton. Peyton this is my best friend Kayla" I say. "Nice to meet you" he says. "I'm shocked to be meeting you. But it is nice to meet you personally" Kayla says. "So Kayla How old are you?" Peyton asks. "I'm 16 why are you asking?" Kayla asks. "Just wanted to get to know you better. Favorite color?" Peyton asks. I leave and I talk to Austin and Alex. "Hey Guys" I say. "Hey!" Austin says. I smile. "What's going on?" Alex asks. "Nothing really" I say. "Cool" Austin says. He looks like he's think about something. Huh. "Dylan, Alexa, My room now!" Kayla yells. "Kayla's calling me" I say turning around. I over hear Austin and Alex talking. "That's Kaylas Best friend?!" Austin says surprisingly. "Yea. You like her?" Alex asks. "Yeah" Austin says. I smile. Kayla grabs me and Dylan's hands. "DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!?!?!?" Dylan asks. "YES!" Kayla yells. "Wait, Wait, Wait.... Did my brother just ask you out?" I ask. "I think so... oh my god, your brother gist asked me out.. Lexi if your not comfortable with this I will call it off now" she says. "No it's fine, it's just that he literally broke up with his girlfriend yesterday. I didn't think that he would already be asking someone out. I'm happy for you, by the way, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was his sister, he didn't want me telling you." I say. "Thats ok, Austin didn't want me to tell you that I knew him, he would let me tell anyone after I got used at my old school. This one girl named Taylor just wanted to get close to Austin so she just became 'Friends' with me just to date him, and a guess that she moved to Atlanta and changed her name" she says. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that. Anyway I'm gonna go back to my room and hang with my brother before teen hoot tonight, I'll have him come get you at your room" I say. "Ok, do you know where he's taking me?" she asks. "No, but I can find out. I'll text ya when I know" I say. "Ok, Bye Lex see ya later" she says. "BYE ALEXA!" Dylan yells. "BYE KAYLA, BYE DYLAN!" I yell walking out of the room and into my room.


"Hey Lexi. I'm gonna go pick up Kayla" Peyton says. "Okie! Be good to her!" I say. "I will!" Peyton says. "Oh and be back before teen hoot!" I say. "ok just let me go!" Peyton says. "Ok bye" I say sweetly. I sigh. "Lexi!" Amelia calls. "Whhat?" I say. "Can you do my make up?" she asks. "why? I don't even know how to do make up?" I say. "Fine" Amelia says. "Hehe" I laugh. my Phone beeps for a new message. 'Hey Lex! Meet us at Teen Hoot!'.

-Teen Hoot-

"So are you and Peyton going out?" Skylar asks. "What.... No" Kayla says denying. "Really because you both look at each other with loving eyes" April says. "Really? Does everyone see that but me?" Kayla asks us. "I think you guys should go out, you nothing look at each with longing eyes, you both get lost in your words when you are around each other" Caitlin says. "NO WE DON'T!" Kayla denies again. They do! "Look Kayla, I know that you love my brother, and he has a crush on you so why don't you go out with him?" I ask her. "I would love to see you guys dating" Ebony Says. "Guy, I'm done talking talking about this, I'm walking back to the hotel. See you guys tomorrow at the meet and Great" she says. We all say bye. Kayla leaves. "I can so see them together" I say going to the side of the stage watching Christian and Griffin on stage. "Hey Alexa?" Austin says tapping my shoulder. "Yeah?" I say turning to face him. "Um.. Uh... I was wondering... If you would like to.... I don't know... Maybe go on a date with me?" he asks nervously. "Yes Austin I will" I say smiling. "Great" Austin says. "Great" I say. OMG! Did he Just... Ask me out?! I'm sweating to death! "Soo What sports do you play?" he asks. "Oh I play volleyball" I say. "Thats cool" he says. "Yeah. I really love it" I say. "Does Peyton like watching ya?" he asks. "Yeah. I went to Nationals" I say. "Did you guys win?" he asks. "Heck Yea!" I say smiling. "Congrats!" he says smiling. "Thanks" I say. "Like to sing??" he asks. "Yes!" I say. "That's cool cuz I'm pretty amazing" he says popping his shirt. I laugh. He laughs. I smile at him. He smiles at me.


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I Like My Best Friends Brother ( A Psanders and Austin Mahone Love Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu