Part 19

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Alexa's POV

I wake up and I see Austin next to me. It was so much fun at Kayla's party last night! I got to see Alex again! I love Kayla's family I think as much as she loves mine! I feel Austin's arms snake around me and I know that he is awake.

"Morning gorgeous." He says, and I just smile.

"Morning handsome." I say back.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks me.

"I don't know, I'm gonna go make breakfast for us, wanna go see if Kayla and Peyton want to eat with us?" I ask him, he sighs (jokingly) then gets up and walks into Peyton's room. After a few minutes he walks back into my room.

"They aren't in there. I think they took the dog for a walk." He says. I nod and then start walking past him to make breakfast. When I walk pass him he slaps my ass. I was startled at first but then realized that it was him.

Once we both get downstairs, I notice that we are the only ones in the house.

"Do you want pancakes and bacon?" I ask him, knowing that he is going to say yes.

"You know it." He eats anything you offer him, he would have said yes to anything I would have offered him.

I start making the batter for the pancakes when Kayla and Peyton get back to the house.

"Hey do you guys want pancakes?" I ask them.

"No, I'm good but thanks for offering. I'm gonna go get in the shower." Kayla says.

"Okie!" I say, then I look at Peyton, "Do you want any?"

"I'll have one. Thanks Lex!" He says.

"Do you want bacon too?" I ask him.

"Nope, just a pancake. Then after that I'm gonna take a shower." He says, and then I hear the shower shut off upstairs and I know that Kayla is done.

"Pey, I'll make your pancake first. Then you can go get into the shower." I say, putting his pancake on the griddle so that it can cook.


After we have all eaten breakfast, Austin and I are just hanging out on my bed, after awhile Kayla walks in stands in the doorway.

"Hey Lex, Pey and I were gonna watch a movie and we were wondering if you and Austin would want to watch one with us?" she asks me.

"Sure, we'll watch one with you guys." Austin replies.

We all head downstairs and decide to watch 21 Jump Street. This movie is FUCKING AMAZING!! Kayla and I both think that Channing Tatum is hot!!! Not even hot, probably sexy! We are at the part where Channing's character is in the class room "solving" the chemistry problem after he took H.F.S. Then Kayla's phone starts to ring.

"Excuse me guys I have to take this." She says and then walks away. I cuddle closer into Austin's side and he looks down at me, and kisses the top of my head. Then we got back to watching the movie. After about two minutes Austin's phone starts ringing. He pulls it out of his pocket and I see that Alex is calling him. He answers and puts it on speaker.

"Hey Alex, you are on speaker." He says.

"Austin, Kayla didn't think she would be able to tell you this mom was killed in a car crash by a drunk driver." He says and my heart literally drops. Kayla must be so upset.

"I can't believe this...Alex I'm gonna let you go because I am in complete shock." Austin says, and then hangs up. We all sit in silence for about three minutes. Then I hear Kayla walking back into the room, you can tell she was crying. Her eyes are red and puffy. We all look at her, and she looks down.

I Like My Best Friends Brother ( A Psanders and Austin Mahone Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ