Part 11: Plans

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Brourferlug glanced suddenly at Mordicelli. "We do have a plan, right? Do you even know where the potion is kept?"

"Of course we have a plan, I'm not an idiot!" Mordicelli pulled a crumpled map out of his cloak. "Here is the castle," He pointed to the map.

"Obviously. Where is the potion?"

"I'm getting to that, don't interrupt me!" Mordicelli grumbled.

Brourferlug chuckled.

"As I was saying," Mordicelli glared at Brourferlug, "The potion was held in the eastern high elves chamber, behind the painting of the Battle of Nerug. There are four guards stationed outside each of the four chambers. However, there are windows outside of the chambers. If we can somehow climb up the castle we can break into the window and make sure the potion is intact."

"All right, and you know how to get to the castle?"

"No, we're just going to have to stumble our way through the forest. Of course I know where the castle is." Mordicelli rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay, just making sure."

Broferlug began piling their supplies into bags, and soon they were on their way. 

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